Monday, March 1, 2010

Hippie squared

So in my little circle of friends, we have someone who is known as The Hippie.  She married The Giant last year and had a kid who is about a month younger than Nico.  They are just starting out with the solids with their him, so we decided to do a little baby food exchange.  I know what you're thinking:  could this be any better?  The original Hippie and the wanna be Hippie (me)?  Teaming up?  Is there no end to the good that we could do? 

We decided that we would each make a big batch of baby food and split it, so that we would each have six food choices, but only have to cook three items.  I know.  Brilliant!!

So this weekend, Nico and I made peas, carrots and peaches.  Wooo hooo!!  Actually, I like the taste of my carrots better than the babyfood carrots.  They taste more like mashed up carrots- and less like carrot jelly, if that makes any sense.  Bonus:  all of the veggies were organic.  Very nice!!
Nico seems to like these carrots more than the store bought ones... which brings the score to:  Mama Made Food: 1 Store Bought Food: 3.  As you can see, Nico was quite the helper -->  I did learn a very important lesson though:  try to only use fruits and vegetables that are in season.  I convinced myself that we needed peaches and when New Leaf didnt have any fresh, I bought frozen.  Which is okay, as long as you're not paying 4.59 for 6 ounces of frozen peaches.  Frugality: FAIL!!                

Aside from that, not much exciting to report.  I spent most the weekend trying to kick whatever it is that has infested my head with its viral nastiness.  I did go to the doctor on Friday, but as I suspected, they couldn't do much for me, except tell me to get some sudafed and drink some warm liquids.  But I got lots of sleep Friday and Saturday nights, and a 2.5 hour nap at 6 pm on Sunday night, which left me wide awake for most of last night.  I feel a lot better.  Still have a sore throat and am pretty stuffy.  And apparently it was pretty bad, because I snored a lot last night, according to Dave (usually I am a drooler).  Awesome.  Happy Anniversary!

I did get a chance to work on some dissertation data last night.  I actually was quite productive.  Am thinking with some productive time this week in the evenings and Friday, that I might be ready to start talking about what it all means.  Milka-what?


  1. a baby food swap is a pretty fantastic idea. I need to find some hippie friends.
