Monday, August 31, 2015

The Fair

We've been trying to squeeze in as much fun as summer will allow, in the last couple of weeks of August.  Granny You was in Michigan for a longer trip last week, so Nico and I headed over for a couple of days to hang out.  We did some work on the family tree, which required a road trip out to the Drake aka Baker Cemetery in Amboy Township.  

Friday Gran took us to a community fair in Hudsonville, which was actually quite large, for being a community fair.  Nico got a little helicopter time in before we headed to the barns to check out the animals.  

Uncle Scott was with us- so we hit up some rides.  Here we are on something called the Glider.  True story: I don't think I like rides.  During this one, I kept my eyes closed.  

Uncle Scott rode this one, called The Magic Carpet ride. It goes up in the air and around.  Or as I like to call it: NOPE.  

Nico had his first go at bumper cars.  He wasn't big enough to go himself, and not quite tall enough to reach the pedals.  So I did the driving.  So it probably wasn't as much fun as it would have been if he got to drive himself.  Maybe next time, kid. 

And then these guys.  So the last time we did a fair, Nico didnt even get close to winning a fish.  So, stupidly, I thought it would be about the same now.  That was false.  Nico won two goldfish.  He named them Little Fin and Guppy (don't ask me which is which).  So I guess we now have to get a fish tank set up.  

This weekend, Dave went to the first soccer meeting of the new year.  He got uniforms for his team- which is cool.  They are being sponsored by Fox Sports this year, and their uniforms are green with a white stripe across the chest.  Nico is super excited about it.  He is going to try to get the team name to be the Dingos, but I am holding out for the Super Worms.  

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Birthday Weekend

Nico's 6th Birthday Weekend turned out to be pretty fun.  Mike and Gay got in town on Friday morning.  Dave scooped them up and headed to Nico's last day of camp celebration (read: "talent" show).  His little group ended up doing a little dance, which was fun.  I got it on video- but frankly it was kind of lame.  Nico was in the back corner, so you can't see him very well.

Saturday was the Ginsa festival.  I had to shoot an event at CrossFit and headed to a birthday party for Jen (good southside friend).  Dave and Nico participated in a judo demonstration-which was pretty sweet.

There was a part of the demonstration where the two boys (there was another one aside from Nico) who each did some throws with their dads.  It was adorable.  They took turns being thrown by their dads. 
And throwing them:

Sunday was Nico's actual birthday and when we opened most of the presents.  Dave and I ended up getting Nico a big lego set that he has been wanting for a long time (the mega Police Station)- which was a big hit.  We also ended up buying him a bunch of weapons (a bow and arrow, a catapault, and a slingshot).  I'm not sure really, how that happened.  

The birthday boy wanted pigs in a blanket, macaroni and cheese, and chocolate chip cookies for dinner.  No cake for this kid. Which is fitting, I guess- since last year he was obsessed with pineapple upside down cake and this year it is chocolate chip cookies.  Just goes to show how much kids change.  

I can't believe its been six years.  Like I can, but I can't.  Every day, Dave and I are blown away by something he says or something he does.  He's using the word "obviously" a lot lately- which makes me laugh.  He's growing up fast- he rarely has fits anymore- which is great.  But he's also starting to understand the world around him a lot more- which is fun.  But it makes me a little sad.  

My boss's son just graduated from high school this summer- and he has definitely been feeling this. It's made me think about how parenthood is really just a long goodbye.  Building to the day when you take your kid off to college.  And how they really feel like they are leaving you.  But it's hard- because you know that it's time.  And the fact that you are at a place to be able to do that says that you've done your job as a parent.  And you know how much they are going to love it.  They just really need you to let them go.  My boss didn't feel like he was ready.  

I don't feel like I can ever be ready for that.    


But then there was the trip to the Lego store.  Now, this started a couple of months ago with an email that Nico sent to Dave's mom saying, "When are you coming up?  Mike (Dave's dad) and I are going to the Lego store."  Which is actually a funny thing to say in an email with no greeting.  
At the lego store, Nico ended up with the Mobile Police Command Unit- a big trailer and truck rig that is awesome.  With the station- Nico is well equipped for a while.  I mean, since we aren't doing what I want to do (which is put Kragl on all of it- but that is apparently not how we play with legos in this establishment).  
Worn out after the LegoStore.   He isn't too big to snuggle on mom.  

It was a great weekend.  It is always fun to have family in town- and I feel like we are lucky to be at a place where we can offer a place for family to stay.  And that we aren't working so much we can't see them.  Its nice that Nico likes his grandparents so much.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Dog Days of Summer

Not much going on around here- we are just trying to soak up every bit of summer possible.  This past weekend, Dave had to cover a SOX game (sucker!) so Nico and I went on a little adventure in seek of Blackberries and swimming at our friend's Grandparents house.  The blackberries were a bit of a bust.  In that we showed up to this supposed "Grandma's Berry Patch" only to find there were no blackberries to be had (DAMN YOU INTERNET!!).

But we pushed on- swinging by Kevin and Jen's Grandparents house.  The grandparents belong to Jen and were so gracious to let us come hangout in their pool.  Kevin cooked us Chicago style dogs.  You know what is up.

Randomly, check out the video of Nico playing catch with Gordon.

I swear- I thought Gordon was going to end up in the tub!