Monday, March 29, 2010


Wow.  We had a pretty brilliant weekend around here.  It started on Friday with two HUGE milestones for Nico.  One is that his first tooth has *FINALLY* come in.  He's been "teething" for three months, now finally this.  And its not where I thought it was going to be... I thought he had a tooth trying to poke through on his upper right side... the tooth that came in is on his lower left. (FAIL?)  He hasn't quite figured it out yet- to show anyone who wants to see (and it's not real big), so I don't have a picture of it yet. 

I do, however have video of him "crawling".   He has sort of been doing this a little around the house, but since I dont put him on the floor a lot (for fear that the dog hair bunnies will get him), he hasn't done it a whole LOT or for very sustained efforts to get something.  Friday he actually was trying to get a toy and crawled all the way across the bed to get it. 

Yeah.  Wow. I think he was cheered on by the Rocky Theme that Dave sang for him. 

Saturday we went to Springtime Tallahassee.  Its this big art/food/music thing downtown.  It's pretty fun.  I came across a booth for a company that is based in the Leo and Kate's cupcakery- that sells baby clothes.  Really cutely decorated onesies and burp cloths and whatnot.  Granted, I paid 15 bucks for a onesie that I know cost only about 4 bucks to make... but its pretty cute.  Dave got to have meat and I got a piece of chocolate cake from Andrew's (whoop!) Nico had a good time looking at all the people, the kids and babies and the dogs. 

Sunday I cut his hair.  GULP.  Here is the thing:  Nico never lost his hair.  A lot of people told me that he would lose all of his hair.  But he didn't... so the front and the sides and the top kept getting longer and longer while the hair on the back of his head got buzzed off (by laying on his back so much- it happens to all babies).  The result was that he had normal length hair in the back and these long wispy wisps on the sides and the top complete with a rat tail.   True story.  The only thing that would have completed the look is if he had the rat tail in a pony tail holder and was wearing cutoff jeans and a hulk hogan t-shirt and cowboy boots while running around a trailer park in Sun Coast (holla to all my peeps in the 239!)  The thing is, that he had these curls right below his ears that reminded me so much of me (from my baby pictures when I got to be about his age).  Little chubby cheeks and strawberry blond curls?  Looked just like Mama. 

So I cut them off... mostly just to sort of even up the length.  Mind you, I have never cut baby hair, so it was an adventure.  And guess who didnt want to keep his head still?  Yeah, Nico was definitely more into seeing what I was doing with the scissors than keeping his head still so I didnt cut off an ear.  So it wasn't a pretty job.  In any case, he doesn't look like such baby anymore. 

Finally, he pulled himself up in his crib.  TWICE.  Completely unassisted.  Which is really good.  Usually I help him a little, at least so he doesn't face plant into the side of the crib.  But, on Sunday, I was folding laundry in his room while he was hanging out in the crib and he did it!   So it was a HUGE weekend for Nico. 

He is a little snotty today.  I think he might be getting sick... or not.  Maybe he is just having a reaction to all the pollen that is out... real thick snot and congested, but no fever.  So who knows?  On a completely unrelated note, I think the cardinal family might be back.  A female cardinal came and ate some noms from the birdfeeder hanging outside Nico's window.  Then a male came by a few minutes later.  If you recall, we had a cardinal family living in the back yard last summer when I came back from Maryland.  They apparently were n00bs because they built their nest kind of low (I could see into it from the ground). They probably aren't the same cardinals, but I like to think they are...


  1. "rat tail in a pony tail holder and was wearing cutoff jeans and a hulk hogan t-shirt and cowboy boots while running around a trailer park in Sun Coast" -- HILARIOUS!

  2. Your dad says:

    Holy cow, Jess! With the sharp hair cut, his love for pull ups and the belly crawl -- I think you have a baby frogman@!

    Love, Dad

  3. If indeed you have a tadpole, the rat tail in a pony tail holder, cut off jeans, hulk hogan t-shirt cowboy boots and a double wide will come AFTER he gives 4 years to Uncle Sam. He will then be unemployable and must start his own business. He will also acquire a hunting vest which he wears with his shorts and a variety of illegal weapons that he keeps wrapped in oil cloth under the skirt of his trailer.
