Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nico Noms, Weekend Plans and Milka-what?

So apparently, Nico actually likes food-food, just not mom-made hippie food-food.

A couple of weeks ago, I had to run into Walgreens for something and noticed they were having a sale on baby food... for those of you who havent raised a kid in the last 30 years, apparently you can get it in these little plastic containers, about 2-2.5 times the size of a single ice-tray compartment.  The food comes with a freshness seal peel thing and a lid.  Just as an experiment, I got squash, green beans, and pears.  Last weekend, for grins, I let Nico try some pears.

Now, to recap:  I figured that he wasn't really all that interested in eating food-food because he didnt seem to really dig the rice cereal or the squash I made him.  He seemed sort of ambivalent about the avocado/guac- but whatev.  So I kind of figured that maybe he wasn't really ready for food-food because he didnt seem that interested in it, but also because he looked a bit like Tom Hanks eating caviar in the party scene in Big.

If I had let him, Nico would have eaten the whole package of pears.  Holy what!!?  Yes... They were delicious.  It was great... one for Nico, one for Mommy.  One for Nico, one for Mommy.  Of course, it's hard not to like baby pear food... its basically like a finer "peary" version of apple sauce.

So, that was a win.  I decided earlier this week to go with green beans, because well, who doesn't like green beans?  Even Dave Royse likes green beans.  Less success.  To be fair, the green beans weren't really that appetizing... I mean, there wasn't even any bacon or ham in there. But he ate them a little.

So last night, we went back to squash- only rather than the hippie-fied variety, we tried the store bought stuff... whcih he really likes.  Milka-what? For real!  He was all about the squash.

Which leads me to this conclusion:  with baby food- its mostly about texture.

Which leads me to the realization:  my plan to hippie-fy this kid might not work so well, because its a lot of work to make baby food.  And since using the Cuisine Art is kind of a PITA, I feel like I have to make a lot at once- much more than Nico could eat in any reasonable amount of time.  Oh well...what are you gonna do!!

Milka-what?  I think it when I am faced with something incredulous these days.  It comes from the etrade baby commercial.
Its random.  I know.

Not much going on for the weekend.  Last weekend's plan of Mommy and Nico time on Saturday and Daddy and Nico time on Sunday worked out well- (well, if you discount the fact that Nico and Dave ate breakfast at IHOP without me...), so we are going to do it again.  I'm planning on going to the post office to send a bunch of stuff including some boxes to the Bains in Dallas.  One of the boys who used to be in my class at GBP is the son of one of the teacher's at Nico's daycare place at FSU... he and his little sister are playing soccer these days- and their game this week is down in Woodville.  So we might check them out.  There is also this vintage furniture place on Woodville Highway that I have driven by hundreds of times going to and from from Wakulla.  Gonna check it out- I think Nico will really like it, and by that, I mean, he will likely cry the entire time we are there.  Also- I have been making like the Hite's up in here and making a menu for the week and actually making it- which is a lot easier when someone doesnt accidentally throw the menu away (me or Dave) or take two big bites out of it (Nico or Drake).  Dave and I are going to try a "blue-zone" diet experiment- which is to say we are going to try eating a lot more asian-mediternean-nordic dishes and lot less chilli-potatoes type of food.  That is to say, we will be having a baby seal for dinner this week.  Okay, not really.  We're having tofu, not baby seal.  I am interested to see what all the big damn fuss is about with Tofu.  In any case, we may do some grocery shopping on Saturday. 

Of course, if the news reports snow on the ground in Marianna- we may scrap Saturday plans to head over there... you know... because there is nothing babies love more than snow.

All for now.  Have a great weekend!


  1. Next time you're in publix, get one of their mini food choppers. They're around $13. They work fantastic for pureeing things. Chopper is made by Proctor and Gamble and it looks like a mini food processor.

    Love the new blog layout. Pretty fancy.

  2. so I pretty much consider myself an expert on all things related to home made baby food. I learned all sorts of tips, tricks and time savers with if you decide to go that route, let me know and I will pass along everything i know (like for instance...using ice cube trays is a great idea on paper...but in real life...not so much. They take up so much space, arent conduscive to making large batches and it really does suck to try to pop the cubes out of the tray. Instead what i do is use a measuring cup (1/4 cup or 1/2 cup depending on how much Nico eats in a serving) and spoon your puree directing into a sandwich or quart size ziploc bag. Then i seal it and fold it in half. Repeat and stack your bags one on top of the other. Once you have spooned all of your puree into bags, wrap a rubber band around the whole stack. Write the date and type of puree on the top bag and stick the whole package in the freezer. Now you have individual servings ready to go. These defrost in NO time too. The only thing you will want to make sure of is that your puree is completely cool before spooning into the bags or otherwise your bags will all freeze bueno.

    Let me know if you want more. :)

  3. as someone who has used the store-bought, makes me a bad person, non-hippie baby food-- it's ok. nico will survive and seems to enjoy the store-bought food. Lil O has loved every last bit of it and there are a ton of varieties. i know i should be up at 3 am pureeing and storing baby food for O but i just don't have time. just read the ingredients on the store-bought food and stick to the ones with simple ingredients- "green beans, water," etc. The organic ones from Earth's Best are really good too and lil O loves them. Plus they have cooler flavor combos than Gerber.

    love the new layout. guess i should go update my blog too...meh.

  4. New layout is nice. If Dave likes tofu, please let me know. Do they make tofu baby food? Enjoy your weekend.
