Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Band nerd- what?

True story: I am a terrible aunt.  Yeah.  Maddox and Emme's birthdays are one month before and one month after Nico's, respectively.  And I havent gotten them birthday gifts.  Isnt that terrible?  I dont know what to get them.  Really.  Know that delimma?  What do you get the kid who has everything?  That is these two kids.  I like craft and art supplies... but dont know if that is a crappy birthday gift.  I got Maddox one of those big crayola sets (because I always wanted one).  But I am worried its kinda lame.  I dont know.  I gues I am just nervous. 

Not much else to report.  Except that apparently my face is breaking out.  Again.  BARF. 

Dave and I are taking Nico to Atlanta this weekend.  We want to take him to the aquarium.  I think it will be fun.  We are leaving Sunday afternoon and getting back on Monday.  So that will be fun.  I also finished a looming craft project last weekend (appliquing onesies for a co-worker/friend).  So I see some progress on my soft green shawl being made in the car.  I am actually contemplating leaving my computer at home.  GASP. 

Here is a video I took of Nico on Monday when we got home from school.  We have this new thing where I make him run up the hill a couple of our driveway a couple of times. 

Am I the only one that he looks like Forrest Gump without the leg braces?  With his khakki pants and plaid shirt?  Isnt that weird?

Also, here is video of his drum jam session with Daddy. 

Some background:  When we had watched all the dump truck, recycling truck, digger and garbage trucks on the internet- Nico was bored.  So we turned ot other forms of entertaininment, which apparently included drummers.  Steet drummers, japanese drummers, etc.  So that is his thing these days.  My kid is turning into a band nerd.  Before my very eyes.  No joke.  I guess I am going to have to start putting him in the garbage can, for practice.  What the F?  Here is the thing:  band nerds convince themselves that they arent nerds... they are the epitome of cool... in fact, they work hard to live down the nerd rep by partying harder than anyone else in school.  Seriously- in high school, its one of the only regular coed events that you can do.  Hours spent on band trips with LOTS of members of the opposite sex.  So they are also the ones having all the sex. At least this is how it was when I was in highschool.  So I have that to look forward to.  SUCK.

Well, I guess if Nico is going to be in the band, there are worse instruments that he could play... like the clarinet.  At least when I was in high school, if there were cool kids in band, they were on the drum line.  The rest were nerds (sorry Dave). 

1 comment:

  1. You pretty much nailed the band thing on the head. You don't even want to hear my stories from Marching Chiefs....
