Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A letter to Nico (which he wont appreciate until he gets older).

Dear Nico,
On the day that you turn 2, I pause to reflect on the years since you were born. While you have been with us for only two years, I feel that we have lived a lifetime in those two years. I find myself staring after you in amazement sometimes, as you go running by or as you climb onto a kitchen chair to help me with dishes. It seems hardly real, that you got here only two years ago.

You're growing up to be a sweet boy. You love your Mama and Daddy and your dogs (Drake and Gordon and Big Puppy and Doggy). You love to help- with the dishes, with sweeping, with putting clothes away. You're a good boy!

Almost every day your dad and I are amazed with something you've said or something you've done. Watching you grow from a juicy red cheeked, red haired new born to the blond and fairskinned toddler you are now has been a blast. I fall in love with you a little more every day.

We love you a lot.
Mama and Daddy.

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