Monday, July 12, 2010


So we had an okay weekend around here.  Our team lost in the World Cup Final last night :(  We're not terribly tore up about it, because we felt like Spain really was the better team.  Yesterday was pretty fun because we had some of Dave's coworker friends over to watch the game... which gave us the final push we needed to get the house unpacked.  It's pretty much all unpacked now- so that is good.  We still have a bunch of things we still need to get, but its nice not having boxes laying around.

We had a scrimmage on Saturday against a U14 boys team.  The team is coached by one of the our Dads (his daughter plays for him in the Spring and us in the Summer).  Overall, we did okay.  We did some things well, other things not so much.  It was probably too hot to play- but we had several subs.  So my coaching MO was to just make sure that no one dropped dead of a heart attack on the field.  Which meant that some players got a lot more playing time than they would normally.

Didnt get the kind of sleep I would normally hope for over the weekend.  In addition to working at DOH, I am also TA-ing an online class... so I had to grade a bunch of their assignments over the weekend.  Since it is tricky to do it with Nico at the house, I mostly tried to do it at night, which included staying up all night on Saturday night.  So you know  was a cranky beast on Sunday.  Dave tried to let me get some sleeps on Sunday morning, but he had a little bit of a crisis.  I woke up to Dave admonishing Drake for unauthorized turtles in the house and Nico screaming because he was sitting in a dirty diaper with strawberries and blueberries in his hair.  Dave had been making some breakfast when Gordon decided to start throwing up... so needless to say, he was a little frazzled. 

That is about it for our weekend.  I went for a walk last night with Nico and we found a play kitchen that someone had left out by the curb.  Much to Dave's chagrin, I brought it home and put it in the shed.  I think all it needs is a good cleaning and a little TLC... and all the stuff you need for a play kitchen (play utensils, foods, dishes, etc).   But it has a ton of doors... and a bbq grill... so that is pretty sweet, you might say.  And well, you know how Nico feels about doors.... exactly.  So it will be a little experiment, to see if I can rehab it to the point of it being a good toy for Nico.  If not, I just have to take it back out to the curb.  I will post pictures of it soon, so you can offer suggestions. 

All for now.

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