Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Nico is saying some really funny things lately.  Like last week, he told me that he made up a new game called Tee-bitch.  No joke.  So afterward, Dave asked him, "What's it like playing your new game?"  to which Nico replied, "It's a bitch."  Hehehehehehehe.

He has also made up a new word called "Smitch"- its like a cross between a smooch and a kiss.  Sometimes I say to him (like after he wakes up from nap), "Can I give you a smooch?" Or "Let's have a smooch before we go outside".  He changed the word to smitch.  So awesome.  

He has also taken to calling Beckett (the baby that Nicole and Cody just adopted) Bucket.  It's so great. 

Even funnier was the other day when we were cleaning, I apparently put a pair of pants in the wash that had money in them.  Nico came running into the kitchen with the money asking, "Mama, why did you launder this money?" Dave put him up to that...

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