Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Heart Three Day Weekends

You guys know that scene in just about any Disney film, where the protagonist, some lithe teenager with perfect features and dainty feet dances in the meadow with birds singing and butterflies alighting on her shoulders?  I felt like that this weekend.  For real...

So it started last week when a routine email to our department register person uncovered a slight, er... make that a WHAT THE HELL kind of problem.  You see, the University requires that if you plan to graduate, that you not only register to graduate but hand in a bunch of paperwork... before the end of the second week of the semester.  MILKA-WHAT?  So, despite the fact that I have seen this email every semester for the last emails (the one that includes information on all the sh*t that needs to be done to graduate), guess who didn't think that applied to her this year?  Yeah, that would be me.  So, luckily, I was able to sneak onto campus on Friday and do said paperwork.  Mostly it was just a form and a copy of my IRB re-up.  So... I guess it has begun.  I guess  am going to be graduating this December?  Weird... WHAT??

So, if that weren't weird enough, I submitted the dissertation to my committee.  Yes, you did just read that right... TO THE COMMITTEE.  Milka-what?  Guess what?  I am even asking them to pick out defense dates.  WHAT?  Yes, actual, bonafide defense dates.  Where in, I go and present to them my research and attempt to convince them that it is time for them to let me go.  Its not them, its me...

Or as someone posted on my facebook page:


So, I did that on Saturday morning, which meant that I was free for the whole weekend... mostly.  I did have to do some school stuff... but for the most part, I had some funs this weekend with my favorite boys.  And while it was great (we went to CrepeVine, we hung out at the house relaxing, etc.) I was looking forward to doing some writing and the next steps.  They say that that when you are a researcher, you should always have three papers in progress... one where you are working on sorting the ideas out, figuring out uhow to do the data analysis, etc.  another, which is where you are doing active writing and re-writing.  And a third that is either under review or under revision.  I realized that this is me right now... and that it would be great to have about 8-10 hours to tackle some of this...

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