Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Nico has been in the midwest for all of four months, and it appears that he has begun acquiring a midwestern accent.  Sweet Jesus.  An actual midwestern accent.  So, it started the other day when we were playing around and he said something about taking a ba-yth.  A what, you ask?  A ba-yth.  No, let me stop for a second and explain something, so you can fully appreciate what the hell was going on.  A couple of months ago, I was tickling Nico and he laughed and said, "You're tickling my hip."  But what I heard was, "You're tickling my heeeip."  To which I laughed and said, "Hip.  You're tickling my HIP."  He thinks this is hilarious.  And so it becomes a game.  So, I thought he was joking me the other day when he said "bayth".  No.  Not joking at all.
I envision this:


He's also started asking if he can go outside by asking, "Can I go outside to stretch my legs?" This is hilarious, because he got this from Dave. But usually only in the context of roadtrips. It's pretty great.

We had a fun weekend. I went to Toledo, Ohio on Thursday for a conference with my boss. We presented Friday morning and killed it. We had over 100 people at a 9am session. In academic standards, that is pretty much like standing room only. I got back Friday night while Dave and Nico were at the YMCA and putzed around the house. Saturday morning Nico and I walked up to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. After, we headed to the YMCA for swimming lessons for Nico. Saturday afternoon, we met Nico's new babysitter. She is a student at North Park University and does music. In fact, today she asked if she could take him to her bell practice. She thinks he might enjoy helping her ring the bells. Are you kidding me? He's going to love it.

Check out this meatball playing catch:

Sunday, Nico and I ran some errands, including a couple of book stores. One of these was a used bookstore, I pass twice a day going to and from work. I can't wait to head back some time without Nico... to see if they have any treasures. It looks like the kind of place that would have treasures.

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