Wednesday, November 3, 2010

On a mission...

I know, I know... I owe you some halloween pictures.  I suck at life.  My bad. 

Not much going on around here.  Nico and I went up to Chiles last night to scope Chiles v Leon.  We open against Chiles tomorrow night.  Dont really know what to think...I am reluctant to get all crazy excited, because we tend to not live up to mine and Dave's expectations at the beginning of the season.  So we will see. 

I am finally finishing up all the graduation stuff this week. It's pretty shitty (pardon my language).  I have done the hard part (writing the dissertation) and the harder part (defending it).  But all this paperwork?  It has got to go!!  On the upside, it looks like I am going to be able to actually walk at graduation... turns out I was smoking crack when I put the schedule together and accidentally scheduled us to play at Taylor on graduation night.  I did a little fixeroo so we should be good to go. 

I finally got all my passport stuff done.  Yeah, there was about to be a throw-down yesterday.  I show up at the Leon county courthouse to do passports and there was a line out the door and down the block practically- for VOTING!  Uuuggh.  Then I realized that I needed to go to the annex to do the passport.  I walked in with all my forms completed... with the pictures.  BOOM!!  I was out in literally 5 minutes.  The post office can suck it, for all I care (see previous post about THAT production).

1 comment:

  1. i'll bring you some yarn. what kind do you want? bamboo for the china babies? did i just say that out loud. but seriously, so soft and who has allergies to bamboo? let me know.
