Thursday, August 14, 2014

Nico Turns 5

It's so weird that Nico is 5. I've said it before, but I'll say it again: it's disorienting, because it's hard to remember a time before him. But it's weird, because it seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital.

We had a pretty fun weekend. Dave's parents came up- so you know Nico was happy.   Nico requested that "do something special" for his birthday morning. I had big ideas about making a net of balloons and streamers in his doorway so that when he opened his door, all the balloons would fall in. But he still comes in our room sometimes, so I opted out of that. Ultimately, I hid his presents in the house, so he had to start the day off by finding them. This was a pretty big hit. 

I accidentally went a little overboard in the present department. Yikes! Even crazier, Nico requested a pineapple upside down cake for his birthday. When he and Dave went to Louisville a couple of months ago, he had about 3/4 of one and declared it to be really good. So I obliged (it was his birthday after all). It turned out really good and well, it's long gone. 

Overall it was a very fun weekend.  Nico's birthday dinner was at Laschatt (our favorite German food restaurant)!! We hit the park several times and Grandma took Nico shoe shopping. Only a few weeks till he's off to Kindergarten. I can't believe it. 

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