Thursday, March 21, 2013


Not much new to report.  Life is kinda boring right now.  I have been trying to establish some regular cleaning routines around the house.  Its tough because session is happening right now, so I am on my own with Nico a lot in the evenings... so I cant spend 2-3 hours when I get home cleaning and organizing, because who is going to make dinner?  Get Nico showered and in bed?

I read a book called, "Lean In".  It's by Sheryl Sandberg, who has been all over Facebook and social media promoting the book.  Her main argument is that women aren't striving to leadership positions in business and academia and the work place.  There are many reasons for this, but namely, work+life is too difficult for some women.   In any case, I was thinking that the book women really need is how to hack the house so that you dont have to spend a lot of time cleaning, cooking, etc.  That is the book that needs to be written.

Randomly, I am wondering if I am too old to start playing video games.  My favorite show.  Of. All. Time. Is. The Walking Dead.  Seriously.

The problem with this is that there are two episodes left this season.  And then it's not back until October.  And there is a Walking Dead video game.... wouldnt that be funny?  Especially if I became a "gamer"?  No? Oh well... there goes that idea.

Headed to Chicago next week.  Hopefully I can finalize a place for us to live.  Dave and I had originally talked about me going up for the week and him flying up with Nico for the weekend.  It ended up being really expensive for airfare and we're not entirely sure Nico would enjoy that kind of trip.  So I'm going solo. The trip will also be a little different because I am staying in Lincoln Park.  Seriously.  Literally, a mile away from my office.  Since 1.5 hours of every day won't be spent commuting to and fro, hopefully, I will be able to spend some more time exploring the area.  AND. FINDING. A. HOUSE.

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