Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treating and Soccer...

Halloween was pretty fun last night. I burned up some more AL by staying home from work. I made a pot of corn chowder (delish). I went with the standard $20.00 Halloween costume from Target. I have come to the conclusion that I am plenty of things: dedicated, hard working, committed, etc. But I am not very clever nor particularly smart. It's okay... I am perfectly on board with this characterization. While I may never come up with a clever solution to a problem, I am your girl if you need the problem worked to death. I can do that. This translates to Nico not having particularly creative or clever halloween costume ideas. That's okay.

Behold: the cute monkey. Without his monkey head on. Oh well.

At the Halloween party at his school, Nico ran around with his little friends Avery and Alice. Avery was in an adorable peacock costume- they basically ran and ran and ran. It was hilarious. I will try to post some pictures tomorrow.

We drove over to Lafayette park and did trick or treating over there. We saw several people that Dave knew. One of them let us in their house and showed Nico a REAL guitar. The boy is in LOVE. The friend held the guitar up to Nico so he could strum... he thought it was *VERY* cool. So while I was kinda okay about Nico wanting to be a drummer, I am not sure I am as on board with him wanting to be a guitar player... I have met very few guitar players that weren't tool-bags in real life. Just sayin...

We did well in our preseason tournament over the weekend. We ended up finishing 2nd overall. We won two games beating Santa Fe and Bucholtz (both Gainesville teams) to do it. Santa Fe ended up being much easier than we expected.... and Bucholtz, well we played them hard.  We held them to a 0-0 tie for 65 minutes... in the last 5 minutes our little transfer from Fl High last year scored on a corner kick that seemed controversial. We held on to win and had a shoot out with Ft. White after the game to settle a tie in points for second... Out GK came up with a save and forced one to the cross bar to clinch the shootout and 2nd place... so that was pretty cool. I can't wait to see the AD on Thursday and be all like, "here, please take this trophy- I dont have room for this..."

There were two really interesting things from this weekend... Thig, Amy and Taylor all played *VERY* well. Thig is a junior who has been hurt the last two years... she is healthy now and looks to have put some muscle on... and is doing great. Taylor and Amy seem to have figured out the high school game, because they are just dominating... Its awesome. We are at a place now where all three are contributing. Which is awesome.

Another interesting result is that we beat Santa Fe 6-2. Madi (our little big gun) scored 5 (2 unassisted). Lincoln beat Santa Fe 4-0, which is admirable. But we beat them 6-2, with Madi scoring more goals against Santa Fe than all of Lincoln scored against them. This is interesting. Our game against them in a month will be very interesting indeed.

In any case, we open our regular season tonight against Madison County. Looking forward to it.

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