Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Drum set...

Not much going on around here. Our game against Lincoln last night got postponed due to water on the field... which is a shame, because we were on the verge of administering a world class beatdown to.... Lincoln?

Nico has been pretty cool. Sunday night after we got him to bed, Dave and I sat down to watch the River Murders. It has Ray Liotta, Ving Rhames and Christian Slater, so I am thinking... alright this has got to be pretty good. It wasnt. Not at all. I am kinda annoyed that I paid cash money to watch it.

Anyways, afterwards, we were hanging out reading and surfing the tube when Nico came running out of his room. The house was pretty dark, so I didnt see him till he was running across the living room and scared the dickens out of me.

Last night when Dave and I got home from the movie we went to see (because we already had our sitter arranged and lets be real, we dont get to see movies very often... we saw the Ides of March, BTW) Nico hung out with us eating chex mix and drinking juice... he was sharing the chex mix with Drake and both were tickled. Nico has the best silent laugh/smile when he is really pleased with himself.

When he was here, Uncle Cody made a tool bench for Nico... it originally started as a project I wanted him to help me with... but let's be real here, it would have looked pretty jacked up if I had anything to do with it... and also, I am not real good at taking direction. So its probaby for the better. In any case, its amazing. I love it. I cant wait to start staining it this weekend. Its going to be a Christmas gift for Nico... speaking of which, I am pretty sure that Nico is probably going to get a real drum set this Christmas... between Nicody and Granny You I think its a done deal. I kinda wish that he were a little older and had a brother so they could re-enact this scene for me:

Maybe with fewer F-Bombs!!

1 comment:

  1. ummm...and we also bought him a drum. Just a single one...small enough that you can take EVERYWHERE if he is so inclined. you're welcome. :)
