Thursday, May 6, 2010

Future Frog Man?

It has been pretty fun around here the last couple of days.
SB had her signing on Monday.  She is headed up there to play on a soccer scholarship... so that is pretty cool.

Mom and JJ came into town yesterday- just for fun!  Yeah!  It's pretty awesome.  Mom is teaching me to do a wonky Log cabin and to quilt as I go... so we started a baby quilt for Nico.  Yay!

Today Nico got in a pool for the first time.  I am not sure what his assessment is.  It might have been a tad cool for him... but he didnt cry.  We even dunked under for a second. 

We drove down to St. Marks this afternoon for dinner.  For the most part- Nico has been a gem, if a little cranky this week.  While I have tried to adhere to the approximate schedule he has at school (nap in the morning and in the afternoon), its been hard because he hasnt been napping well (mostly just cat naps).  I feel bad for the girls at school next week because he is gonna be OUT OF CONTROL!!

Speaking of out of control.. I woke up this morning to chaos...Apparently Nico had managed to get let loose with some poop that escaped the diaper.  He was in his Pack N Play and it ended up everywhere- in his hair, on his stomach... all over toys.  When Dave got him out of the bath and stood him up in his crib so that he could put together a  diaper- Nico took that opportunity to pee between the rails and onto the floor.  This morning was a MESS!!

I got a  call from the Tallahassee Democrat this afternoon... apparently they are doing a story on coaching moms and they asked me to be a part (for Mother's Day).  So that is pretty sweet!!  The story will run on Sunday!! So check it out!!


  1. as you know, i recommend protecting it...that way, you invite readers. i use mine mostly so friends and family can stay caught up with us, not so strangers can read about my boring life. those of us that are interested will log in to read your blog.

  2. sounds like a hell of a morning.

    i'm making my blog private in a couple of months too. Apparently the contract we signed with the adoption said i had to. I fully expect to lose half of my readers...people dont like to admit to blog stalking...and signing in is too difficult. I will sign in for yours make sure to give me access!

  3. Privacy and safety is the most important. Can't imagine any of your friends or family not wanting that for you.
