So, I just got back from a conference in Orlando. I drove through Tropical Storm Debby most of the way. I made the unfortunate mistake of taking adderall when things got hairy (so I cold stay alert and focused- and not accidentally drive into a sink hole). The result? Guess who is still wide awake at 1240 am? This girl!
Am glad to be back. Nico was especially snugly. Apparently, he hasn't exactly been a model citizen while I was gone. :( hopefully we can get him back on track. Speaking of which... He is almost to the age, I think when he can travel a little better. I am hoping that a year from now he will have progressed through the Age of Unreason.
So, I did a chopped down version of the Myers-Brigg personality test a couple of weeks ago. Apparently I have an INTJ personality type, which is actually quite rare.
Turns out that my my crushing self-doubt may be unfounded. Apparently, INTJs do well in Academia. So that is nice. Unfortunately, this does not help with one thing I am terrible at: networking. This particular conference was nice because since I don't know most of the big timers in health services research, I wasn't all weird. Like when I go to sociology or demography conferences, I am totally like Garth in Wayne's World: "we're not worthy, we're not worthy... We suck!"
The LeBron James of HS research could be sitting next to me and I wouldn't even know it. So that is nice. So I have decided to stop trying to act cool and just own the nerdiness. I have also decided that one can get far in life by being a narcisstic jerk and having no verbal filter. People will just assume I have Aspergers. Next step? Profit!
Potty training do far has been hit or miss... Mostly just dependent on Nico's mood. The good news is that he does seem to feel bad when he has an accident. I would much rather have that than to have him be like, "I just peed in my pants. And I don't care."
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