So I have been on lockdown for the last two weeks. At work, we were gearing up for this massive meeting with collaborators in Boston. I had a minor miscommunication with my PI... where I thought we were going to discuss plans for said meeting at another meeting on June 1. Turns out no. He thought I would already have everything sorted. So... I have been putting in max hours trying to get ready for this thing. He's also not in Tallahassee fulltime. So I also get to do a whole host of administrative tasks, which are, frankly, beneath my status as a PhD. Yeah... I just said that. Can you believe it? I just said that. I actually just used my PhD as a reason for being over qualified for something. I dont care. Sue me. Call me an overeducated snot. I dont care. I am a Project Director, damn it!! Not an administrative assistant. Literally, in the last two weeks, I have been party to hundreds of email exchanges with my PI... most of which involve commands like, "change THIS word to THAT word." So rather than doing the actual business of the grant, I spend a lot of my time doing stuff like that..
Can you tell I am at my limit? Then Saturday we take Nico to a birthday party for one of his classmates. We get there and this kid is clearly sick (snuggly+sleepy+ill tempered+ mom also saying that the kid is sick). Seriously? Really? You're going to have a birthday party for your kid when he is sick? Really? Ok... Awesome. So guess who had wicked horrible diarrhea on Sunday?
When we wake up on Monday Dave and I feel like have been hit by a truck. Coincidentally, the first game of summer coed was Sunday... so I was really sore. Like, like the sore you get when you give up 10 goals and still make a crap ton of saves. I figure that if we take Nico to school, its only a matter of time before they kick him out. So we keep him home... I head into the office and have to pull over to puke on the way home. I spend the rest of the day in varying forms of consciousness on the couch and the bed. Dave felt better when he got lunch. And guess who didnt want to nap? His name rhymes with Rico.
Yeah... it was like that. Luckily Dave was able to come home around 2-3 pm and hung out with Nico while I tried to sleep it off. I woke up around 7 and had some soup and felt much better. I did a little work into the evening and got to bed early so that I could give my presentation today. So that was that. It went off without a hitch. We got good feedback, plus cool suggestions for adding to our data. But the best part? Its over. I am very glad about this.... because it means I can go back to not staying up till 3-4 am and being stressed out.
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