What you say? Is Nico running around the house in a pair of chuck taylors and underpants? Yes. Yes, he is.
So yesterday was kind of a beatdown with the potty training. He didnt go on the potty at all at school and had two accidents... which I guess is good because it means that he is holding it. During naptime (they put a diaper on him) he peed a gallon. We got a new potty seat at Toys R Us yesterday and he sat on it and peed a gallon. Again. So really, he's just holding it. His teachers say we'll give him two weeks with this to see if he "gets it" that its much better to just go than hold it all day. Hopefully at the end of two weeks, he will be okay with the potty training.
And the really awesome news: we are going to move to another daycare/preschool. Since Nico is about to age out of FSU and because the Preschool there is like the infant and toddler center, we have decided to start looking for other options for daycare. We found this place that is research based and everyone we know loves. Its expensive and sort of out of the way. But we did a tour there today. And we love it. Its run by this old hippie woman- who is all about taking things back a bit. Not classrooms, they stay in groups and can go from playing outside, to the water deck, to making food, to reading, to blocks, to all kinds of awesome. They also have a garden, a hamster, some fish and some birds. Its pretty great. We'll apply this week and see if he gets in before we give the word at FSU. Its kinda sad because we really adore Jenn, Sue, Dana and all Nico's teachers. But this place is pretty awesome. Hopefully when we go there with Nico to check it out, I can grab some photos. Its off the hook!!
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