The Friday night before we left, I scooped up Nico and got him out of the house so we could run some errands. This entailed dinner down in Lincoln Park. We were headed towards the train when we stopped by the DePaul Athletic Center and caught a DePaul volleyball game against Butler. Nico and I watched for about 30 minutes. He seemed to be pretty into it.
A new development, which will get it's own post probably next week, is that Nico has just taken off with the reading and the writing. It's pretty amazing. He has filled up a composition book at school with "work" and he brought it home before Thanksgiving. And he is just so smart. It's fantastic. He is reading street signs and signs at the store and everything. It's awesome.
For Thanksgiving, we drove down to Texas to see Nico's cousins. They had an absolute blast. Nico was so excited to have other kids to play with (NOT AT SCHOOL), that he showed his tail a bit. He was totally over stimulated and off his schedule, so I guess I can cut him a little slack. Plus, Nicole and Cody's house is amazing. Seriously- they have a zipline:
I know, right?
We stayed with Nicole and Cody Monday-Saturday and had a good time hanging out. I got in a little shopping and had so much fun. The weekend before we headed out, we got Nico a couple of new pair of shoes (blue adidias with flourescent orange stripes and blue pumas). Whenever Nico was not wearing the shoes and becks found them, he would bring them to a grown up and ask for the shoes to be put on his fit. What does it say about an 18 month old's feet when they can fit in his 4 year old cousin's shoes? Yeah. Big honkin feet.
On the way back to Chicago, we ran through Royse City, Texas. A town founded by Dave's people. It's pretty non-desript. The depot has a sign that was clearly spelled Royce City, but that someone had to fix, which I found very funny.
We got back on Sunday- and have been back on the grind since. While we were gone, someone stole the catalytic converter off of Dave's 4Runner- which is annoying. Have you ever driven a vehicle without a catalytic converter? So annoying. It's loud. Not like, man- that is a souped up engine loud. But rather, who doesn't have a muffler on their vehicle loud. Normally its a $2200 repair job, but luckily, we had comprehensive coverage on the 4Runner... so Progressive is handling it- and all we have to pay is our $500 deductible. It's always something... but it could have been a lot worse.
All for now.
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