Well hello there!! It's good to see you.
As promised, I have returned from the hiatus- with a mixed record as to what I did with my time. Before Thanksgiving, I had gotten down to within 5 lbs. of pre-nico weight, but I undid a bit of that when we were in Texas over the holiday. I went to the doctor (to get some meds reupped) and was weighed on his "official" (read: bullshit) scale. He confirmed that since August 7th, I had lost 18 lbs. This works out to be about a pound per week. The upside to this that my left knee is feeling great- which is a departure from what it usually feels like.
Moreover, I am getting so strong. Case in point: we do a lot of pull-ups in CrossFit. I have never been able to do a pull-up and have always had to use the black band (think of a very large rubber band that you loop over the bar and put your feet in. Then you step off the box and your weight is somewhat supported by the band). In order of support, the colors are: purple, black, green, blue. Since I started CF, I have been on the black band, and have tried a couple of times to go down to the green, but could not get the pull-up. But the black band has felt really easy the last couple of weeks... like not even a workout. This week, just for grins, I gave it a go and was able to get a couple of pull-ups. It was fantastic. I'm not sure I could do a whole workout with just the green band (yet), but it's nice to have that as a measure.
Last night I went to an Olympic lifting class for the first time. I am starting to really like a couple of the movements (power cleans and power snatches), but my technique is a hot mess. So I went to the class to do a little work and just get in a lot of reps. It's totally like goalkeeping... where sometimes the only way to improve is to do 100 punches over the crossbar. It is what it is.
So that is great. The trade off is that I am sore all the time these days. And I have a lot more muscle... so clothes just do not fit. Not only the ones that I already have but most the ones I'm looking at when I go shopping. But I guess that is a good problem to have, right?
In other news, I am looking (on my desk) at a complete second draft of a paper that I have been working on. Today I will be sending it to my old boss at the FSU COM, for his comments and remarks before we submit it for publication later this month. Which is fantastic. I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but I got another publication last month (November). Back in the spring, I helped one of the FSU COM students with a paper he wanted to submit for a patient safety award. Well, as I left, he was working on getting it published. Back in October our old boss (the third author) sent me a note that it had been published. So, make that two publications since I have been in Chicago. Isn't that cool?
I have about a third of the lectures for my Winter Quarter class edited. I still need to record and post them, but I like the progress so far. I am experimenting with "flipping the classroom", where I record my lectures and my students view them on their own time. Then they come to class and we work on problems together. For statistics?? I think it could be really good.
More later.
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