Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cuteis Maximus

Nico has three things he is doing lately that are hilarious. One is when he is eating and you tell him to chew up his food really good. He then will wave at you while chewing it up. It's weird, I dont really know what he is doing. You can see it here:

Another thing is when we are walking anywhere and we're holding hands. Because the boy can lollygag like no other, I sometimes tell him, "We gotta go fast, Nico. Very fast!" His response is to lift his shoulders up and duck his head and walk fast. Its so freaking adorable!!

The final thing that he is doing that is pretty great is whenever we're in the car and I tell him to "keep his eyes open", which means he should be on the lookout for diggers and police cars and trucks and whatnot. His response is closing his eyes. And he does it very deliberately- its so cute, because he is smiling, like he knows exactly what he is doing!! It's pretty funny!!

All for now!

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