So- the daycare called yesterday and told me to come get Nico. He was a pooper mcpooperson- and not in a good way. From 8-1030 they had to change 3 #2 diapers, added to the one Dave changed yesterday morning, the two I changed at the middle school game plus one from when he woke up around midnight, plus one at about 630 this morning... I am thinking he is sick. What do you think? It wasnt too bad... being home with a sick Nico is sometimes better than being at work... Since this is the time of the year when people are out- my productivity drops off a bit as well... mostly becaus there are people that I need to get back to me who are on vacation (not just with the State of Florida- in case my Dad was about to inform Gov Elect that he can start cutting government by getting rid of the Department of Health... yeah, don't do that.)
Little kids are so weird. Because they are sick all the time. But also because they just aren't themselves. I am pretty unforgiving of adults. Like, there is no reason why you being sick should interfere with your ability to do your job. Seriously- this aint 1898- its not like we are talking about Cholera, TB or Scarlet Fever. We're talking about chills and a headache- MAN UP. But little kids? You can definitely tell when they dont feel well. And not just because they go through diapers like no one's business.
Nico did get a flu shot last week, so maybe that is what is going on...we also have started letting him have juice (in small amounts) and tried those black grapes from the store.... so we're aren't really sure what is going on here. Except that the daycare did say that there was a stomach bug going around the daycare last week... so maybe that is it. Oh, and bonus? Dave is starting to feel sick too. That can't be good for business.
Nico is growing like a weed lately. He is very coordinated and has taken to throwing things. Yesterday he threw his sippy cup from the backseat to the front (which isn't "good"- but still kind of funny). He also has pretty good aim. He threw a car in a box from about 4 feet away last night. Please God, dont let him be into basketball. I would hate to have to have "The Conversation" with him when he is about 11 years old about how he will probably never be a starting forward for U of L... because I dont want him calling me "The DreamKiller." He is also starting to understand commands- like, "Nico, go get your shoes" and "Let's go do some laundry." He is also starting to talk a lot. He "says" "dog" (gog), "yup" (up), yeah and no. He is also really into games where I chase him... he laughs pretty much the whole time. He is also starting to get into reading books (yeah, I know, it only took him 15 short months). He will actually bring us books now and SIT WITH US WHILE WE read them. This is a new development. LOVE IT.
Also, one of the funniest things he is doing (at least to me) is when I change his diaper, he is trying to touch my stomach and hip. I think he might be feeling my stretch marks, and how different the skin feels. Either that or he is trying to tickle me... because I do laugh whenever he does it.
All for now. LOVE.
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