The first game... was... not good. We lost 7-0, to the best team we will play all season (probably, er... hopefully?) It wasn't a total disaster, but pretty close. The thing is, that sometimes I forget that they are highschool girls. See, when I played, I didnt really get nervous. I mean, not in the sense that I pulled a Rob Green or anything (see the game that the US played against England in the World Cup.) I mean, I would get nervous, but only until I got a chance take someone out. You see, the reason for doing that is to let the other team know that I am bringing my A game, and if they mess with the bull, they were gonna get the horns.
I was reminded (AGAIN) last night that high school girls sometimes have jitters. Bad jitters. Doing things in a game they havent done in years jitters... butterflies in their stomach, dont feel well, gonna die jitters. What? Who are these kids? Then I remember that I graduated my GK and my entire midfield last night. So juniors who have been sitting on the bench for the last two years, were a tiny bit nervous.
Dave and I also out-coached our own selves. The game plan that we executed last year, which was ugly and overly defensive, we did for the first 20 minutes... in which we did not give up goals. We switched at the first waterbreak and gave up 4 goals in about 10 minutes. But we played "better". I say "better" because while we did actually start playing soccer, it wasn't better in the sense that it accomplished what we needed to do.
Our little big gun MH is going to be awesome this year. I think she is going to tear it up against Non-Chiles teams (their defense had a hard time with her last night). Our goalkeeper was inspriring. Seriously, watching her play last night was like watching me play 15 years ago... really, I am old enough to say that? The funny thing is, that with Shay last year, I always felt a little lucky when she made saves she shouldn't. Like she had no business making some of the saves that she did- because let's be real here, it took her about two and half years to start taking it seriously. And so when she did make those saves, it felt like the universe was somehow making things right... rewarding her for deciding to work hard. With Froddo last night, it was breathtaking- because I haven't had the time to train her- so many of her saves were straight reactions. Like, she knew that all she had to do was keep the ball out of the net. Forget technique, forget training, just keep the ball out of the net. She made 22-23 saves last night (including 3 one on one's), and still gave up 7 goals. She never looked like she didnt know what was going on back there. She got beat, yes. But at no point did I even for a second think about pulling her. In fact, she is the reason we didnt get mercy ruled... which sounds so strange to say- because this is the kid that often forgets to bring gloves to practice. So its weird.
In any case, we are playing at JPII tonight, so that will be an adventure. I am hoping that we can shake that game off and get back to kicking ass and taking names.
Last night, Nico was so cute when I got home. He was having a hard time settling and staying asleep... so I went to try to put him to bed and was holding him, patting his back. Be started patting my back too, which was adorable. He also was rubbing his cheek against mine and being very snuggly. When Dave got home (before me) he got a fire started in our fireplace (YES!!) and we watched a show I dvr'd. So aside from the beating we took at Chiles... last night was pretty nice.
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