So I started at the Department of Health this week. It’s okay, I think. A lot of nice people. Plus I’m at Southwood… which means that I can run safely at lunchtime without fear of getting mugged or run over. So that is a bonus.
Last week was a lot of fun. We made it down to Sarasota in good time on Wednesday night. If you recall, the only things I had to do was work on the dissertation and hangout. Managed to do both. The place we stayed at was on the beach (second floor- facing the gulf). It was fantastic. Nico did well… he tore up the place, getting into to the cabinents and whatnot. Crawled around a lot. We ate well including at the place we went the day of the wedding on Anna Maria, plus the place where we had the “rehearsal” dinner (Rotten Ralph’s). Speaking of which, they have a crab cake benedict that will make you sad that crabcakes and hollandaise sauce aren’t used more in breakfast meals.
We got to see the Granny and Grampy You plus the Royses and Aunt Rosie. Mom and I got Nico’s birthday quilt sewn together and I started putting the panes on the back. Looking forward to getting a good draft of the old diss to the committee so that I can finish it up. We made it a point to get down to the beach a couple of times a day. I think Nico might turn into a fish- he loved it (we also got in the pool several times). The water was warm, clear green and awesome (Dad says it was warmer than the water in my mom’s pool). Convinced me of the virtues of this particular area of the gulf coast and reminded me that wherever the next move is, special consideration should be given to places near the coast.
Saturday night, I stayed up late making edits to the dissertation- and it was amazing. The sky was really clear and I could see the moon. I sat out on the porch with the laptop which had Pandora going- listening to the sounds of Van Morrison and Bruce Springsteen mixed with the sound of waves. It was really awesome…even if I did end up getting eaten alive by bugs.
Had an uneventful trip back, which included a swing through Live Oak for tamales. Mmmmmm. Came home to find that we lost power at the house while we were away. This normally wouldn’t have been a problem, but I had a bunch of analyses running on my computer. Which doesn’t restart when the power goes out :)
When we got back, I cut Nico’s hair. He had hair hanging down in his eyes… I don’t really know what I am doing when it comes to cutting hair- especially boys hair… so don’t judge me SC and JL! Nico’s hair which had been kind of strawberry blond now appears to be mostly blonde. I am sort of like, Wha-What? How could this be? He doesn’t really look like a baby anymore. He looks like a full grown kid. Its pretty amazing. Will try to get pictures up later this week.
I am off- getting ready for a run soon.
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