Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Turning into a blueberry...

I think that we actually have a valid case for fear that Nico might turn into a blueberry.  That kid loves blueberries.  CANNOT.GET.ENOUGH.  Still eating anything you dont staple down (except for peas).  Loves pasta and noodles and yogurt.  

Today was the first day that I have gotten him when he didnt look genuinely happy to see me.  He was outside by a picnic table holding onto it and cruising.  I think he was kind of annoyed that I was there.  :)

So Dave has a work thing down in Sarasota this week.  This entailed staying on the beach near Sarasota.  And well... given that I am currently awaiting approval for a job, I guess Nico and I were just going to have to come down and keep him company.  Like my dad always said, "It's hard work, but someone has to do it."

Earlier this week, I was toting soccer girls up to Thomasville to go to soccer camp.  Which meant that Dave was originally going to drive down tonight and me follow with Nico tomorrow afternoon. But then our senior GK stepped up and offered to tote the girls, letting me off the hook.  Which meant that the nice and easy and relaxed packing that I was going to do tonight, got bumped up to: lets find the biggest bag we have and just start putting stuff in it.  Consequently, it is entirely possible that I have 25 t-shirts and no shorts or that I pulled a DiPonio.  Sounds about right to me.

We almost got in a wreck tonight when Dave was in the backseat with Nico.  "Sail Away" by STYX came on and he started singing it a la Cartman (from Southpark).  It was HILARIOUS!!  Tears were running down my face...

In any case, Granny You is coming up on Friday.  We are going to finish one of Nico's birthday gifts (shhhhhhh, dont tell is a quilt).  Then Grandma and Grandpa Royse are coming on Saturday morning with Aunt Rosie.  I hope to do some swims and some runs while we are here.  The Marianna Tri is a little less than three weeks away and I have yet to do any swims at all... let alone open water swims.  Good thing I am not trying to win!!  Also hoping to get do some edits on the old dissertation.  Yesterday I set up chapter 5 runs... lots of gllamm (which take forever to run).  I am hoping that I will have some beautimous log files waiting for me when I get back.  Next week writing (hardcore) with the hopes of getting it to committee by about July 7 so they can have it for a month before I want to defend it (crosses fingers).

So that is all... will check in with you all later.  Have a wonderful rest of the week!


  1. Get with your Pops about the ocean swim. One of the many things your dad had to do as a SEAL. Or watch that movie with Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher.
