Nico is pretty much adorable these days. Sometimes he gets in these very funny moods where he is making noises. This video is mostly him laughing and making funny sounds. Bless his little heart, a lot of times, he laughs when I laugh. Sometimes, I try to copy the noises and mimmick them back to him. Sometimes I make up my own and we have our own little conversation. You might catch my replica "Nerd Laugh". You will recognize this from "Revenge of the Nerds."
Not much going on around here. NSF (The News Service of Florida) wrote a story today that got national play (about Charlie Crist running as an independent) so that is pretty good. Dave was floored about that.
Me- I got nothin for ya! Currently, I have a dresser dedicated to crafting stuff- knitting, scrapbooking, sewing, etc. I am currently going through it trying to get rid of stuff for the move. I am not even joking about this move- I am seriously trying to get rid of 1/4 of all the stuff that I have. Having been putting stuff on TallyFree Cycle. I would do Craigslist- but its too much work. I dont want people emailing me all the time with stupid questions.
Last night, Nico and I drove down to the county to see the girls play in the Regional Quarter Finals. Our pitcher MM (one of our B-A seniors) threw a no-hitter. One of our forwards BT stole all the way home (from first). MR knocked one out of the park for a 7-0 win. Which was nice. I would link to a story the Tallahassee Democrat did on MR, but apparently the Democrat's website is serving up viruses these days.... so lets just pretend you clicked on the article.
The dissertation is going. I am trying to figure out my county-level variables. Trying to figure out what they are saying and if it's important for the story of my research. Also trying to figure out a MAJOR methodological situation- so that I can proceed at full speed a head.
Mom and JJ are coming up next week. Nico's school is closed when FSU is closed- which means all of next week. So, its just going to be and Nico hanging- so Mom thought she would come up- so that we can do some crafty things (like working on a wonky log cabin baby quilt).
I have started watching the series "Bones". See, when LOST goes off the air this season, I will be losing some of my "TV Friends." Sure, we will see each other for a while. Matthew Fox shows up in random movies, but it will never be the same... he is supposed to be Dr. Jack Shepherd. And while Terry Quinn had probably the most established film career of anyone in the cast before the show started, I will always know him as Locke. So it is with a heavy heart that I watch this final season.
In any case- you would have thought that I would have been all over Bones from the get-go. In case any of you dont know, Bones is about a forensic anthropologist that helps solve murder mysteries with the FBI. This is pretty much the job I wanted to have before my junior year in college. While I had originally gotten interested in the field after seeing Silence of the Lambs, much of my own interest and research into crime, psychology, and deviance helped fuel the fire for this area of inquisition. But I became anti back in my "anti-bandwagon" days. And because the heroine looks almost exactly like the most annoying person I know of.
In any case, I started watching the first season on Netflix while I pump (because you kind of need your hands to pump and so you cant be real productive). And its okay. Different in the sense that you're not completely lost if you miss an episode (those are called serial dramas, right?) So, its okay. I have something like 5 seasons I can busy myself with- so I got that going for me.
All for now. Hope you are well.
I love this video