Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Five o'clock somewhere...

I know that technically, I have only been working for about four months, but is it okay that I need a vacation?  I know that there are people out there who work years on end without having a day off (according to Jimmy Buffett and Alan Jackson's song "5 o'clock somewhere":  I ain't had a day off now in over a year, my Jamican Vacation is gonna start right here...).  That doesn't help me feel any better about needing a day off.  Like, the more I work, the more a cruise sounds like awesome.  JD is a big fan.  Apparently on cruises, you dont do anything except eat, drink, sleep, swim and hang out.  I had always been anti- because I didn't understand that was the point.  If I only had 7 days of vacation and I could go anywhere... I want to go to South America, outwest, down to Mexico, over to England to see a Prem game... but with cruises, you just relax.  I could get on board with that (*<-- pun INTENDED!!)

On the upside, it seems like the weeks go by pretty quickly these days.  So I just have to suck it up and next thing you know, the weekend will be here. 

I think my poster is done- so that is good.  Just have to get it printed now.  While it is my sense that paper presentations are a little more prestigous, I am glad to have a poster this go round at PAA.  What it means is that I can go and relax and have a good time at the conference, drop in on all the sessions that interest me, and be intellectually engaged, as opposed to what its like when you have a paper presentation, which is stressing out about it until you give the talk then being relieved that its finally over. 

While I am definitely looking forward to the conference (PAA always has interesting sessions), and seeing The Bishop/Bains, and Julia, I am definitely NOT looking forward to leaving Dave and Nico behind.  I knew intellectually that this day would come... I just didnt think it would come "so soon" (yes, I am perfectly aware that Nico is 8 months old and that he can probably handle it.  But still.) 

In any case, the Highland Games are this weekend, apparently.  Dave wanted us all to go- but I think I am going to opt to say home and clean... put stuff away, etc.  I am also fighting the itch to make a wonky log cabin baby quilt.  Seriously, how could you NOT want to make something like this: 

Isn't that cool? 

In any case, Dave and I may have found a house.  Wha-What?  Yeah.  It's in Indian Head. Probably less than half a mile from where we live now.  Very cute.  Has this terraced back yard that is absolutely loverly.  I can totally picture the joint, "Nico is 1 and his Mama is now Dr. Mama" party at this place.  So the outside is pretty awesome... we just need to have a look-see around the inside.  Sadly, if this place doesnt have a dishwasher- that may be a deal breaker (lesson learned from moving from the Longview house... Jessi Bishop did enough dishes as a kid... she is not washing dishes by hand anymore!) 

Also, discovered this random little neighborhood over BY the student ghettos (Lake Bradford/Jackson Bluff, etc.)  It doesnt look like student ghetto (definition: neighborhoods punctuated by random couches on front porches, kegs out by the street, random drunkards passed out in your drive way).  The neighborhood is "Indian Head Lite", I think.  So we've got an appointment to check that out tomorrow. 

That is all I have.  Sorry its not more entertaining, but it is what it is.

Hope you're well**.

**I want a jazzy send off.  Like Paula Deen, who says, "Wishin' you love and best dishes, from my kitchen to yours."  Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I am not necessarily a big fan of cruises. Todd is and he is trying to get me to go along with him. At first, I didn't like being stuck on a cruise ship at all- so many annoying people in a small space. And I'm like you in that I always thought vacays should be about SEEING somewhere or DOING something. But I have warmed to the idea mainly because like you say, you get to sit around and do nothing most of the time (which I never get to do anymore). Play a little bingo, eat a lot, go to the pool. Where you stop is also important because then you can still see cool places along the way.
    I recommend you at least trying one for a few days to see if you like it- without the baby! He will survive without you, promise!
