Me: “Then too bad for you Tripp, because I don’t care if you are not tired. You are not getting up to play with toys. End of story.”
Tripp: “But I am just not tired.”
Me: “Boy! Zip it!”
So I was glad to hear that he slept well. Turns out when he does sleep well, he isn’t Mr. Cranky Pants going to soccer. Which is nice. I rocked out to teen music on the drive down yesterday while Nico looked out the window and wished for the days when he could drive himself and not listen to “Party in the USA” on REPEAT! Sucka!!
We won the district play-in game against Godby last night, 3-0. Yes, that looks like a closer outcome than any other game- but we played well. Nice and relaxed, lots of nice passing, LOTS of shots. Srsly, if it weren’t for their GK, the game would have ended 6-0. She brought her A-Game. I think, top to bottom, this is overall the best team we’ve coached. We have a lot of depth, even with our 5th, 6th and 7th players off the bench. And despite the fact that we are graduating 7 senior starters, I think we’ve got some good soccer ahead of us still. In the past, with Lizzie (our big gun) we were good- we won a lot of games with her, but for the most part, she carried us a lot. Now, I think that our team has a lot more skill- every night it’s someone new that steps up. Sometimes it’s our GK, sometimes it’s our defensive center mid, sometimes our leftback who was converted to a midfielder and then converted back to a left back. Sometimes it’s one of our attacking players. And that is in addition to players who ALWAYS play well (like our center back, center mid and striking attacker).
Looking forward to a leisurely weekend. Hopefully I can get a couple of runs in and work on my dissertation. The problem is, that when you’re struggling just to get to the weekend, it’s hard to be productive- because all you really want to do is sit around and recover from the week. Nico has been eating avocado mixed with his rice cereal all week (well- mostly just avocado- a couple of times guacamole pinch hit for us). Am thinking this weekend of maybe getting some sweet potatoes in the mix. Whoot!
Congrats on Nico Napping. Less than 2 weeks and he's into a routine. Remember at the daycare when we'd spend all week getting a kid on track -- eating, potting training, napping -- and then the parents would blow it on the weekend because it was easier to do it their way? If it were me, I'd ask them at the daycare what kind of routine they are doing and try to stick with it on the weekends.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the soccer girls. You and Royse have worked your asses off. My fingers are crossed. PS -- Love the picture. I'm snagging it for facebook.