I wish that I could say not much is going on around here these days, but that would not be true. I am in the first week of working and its kicking my butt. Apparently, laying around till 1000 am in bed with the baby and getting up and putzing around the house till I’d have to leave for soccer practice at 2 is not the same as working a real job. This is what my day looked like yesterday:
645am: wake up 45 minutes LATE because I opted for an alarm clock that doesn’t work over my phone’s alarm clock. DOH!
650: prepare breakfast for Nico (rice cereal) and Me (oatmeal). EAT. Try to feed Nico rice cereal that he really isn’t interested in.
705: Make lunch and snacks for day- to get me through 8 hours of work, trip down to Wakulla, through warm up and a game, gather warm clothes for me, gather warm clothes for Nico, layout clothes for him to go to school in. Make a mental note to put away basket of clean clothes. Pack my bag, pack the diaper bag, the pump.
715: Get dressed. Make a mental note to either have a tummy tuck so I can wear my pre-pregnancy dress pants to work, or to get my ass to a treadmill so that I can wear my pre-pregnancy pants or buy new pants. Brush teeth, notice face breaking out. Make a mental note to put some makeup on if I have time. Twist hair back into standard bun. Make a mental note to brush my hair tonight (so I don’t get dreads) and to dye my hair, because this is not a good look.
725: Check Nico diaper- needed a change. Dress for the day. Play the game of trying to put a long sleeve top on a baby. Wonder if it’s acceptable to send him in to day school with a onesie and a snowsuit. Make a mental note that I should stop being a bad mom and wash some laundry- its where all of his warms are. Put all the stuff he needs in his carseat, so Dave can remember to take it. Hat, blankets, bottles, change of clothes, warm stuff for game, my wrap, extra blankets. Socks.
735: haul stuff to car, including work bag, soccer stuff, shoes, socks, warms. Go over day procedure with Dave. Make sure that they have everything they need for the day.
740: Give Nico and Dave a squeeze- kiss out the door.
741: Make a mental note to take my car to the dealership to see why the heat doesn’t work.
742: Note that I can see my breath in the car all the way to work.
750: Arrive at work.
751: Frantically answer as many emails and texts as possible before going into work-where I go into a communication blackout. Not sure if its acceptable to have a phone or be texting and emailing from it, especially given that its my first week.
800: Work.
400: Leave work. Change into soccer clothes in the car. Curse the slow drivers.
410: Arrive at Dave’s work (he went to get Nico).
415: sling attitude at Dave (he was supposed to have Nico there at 415).
425: Dave arrives with Nico. We make the switch. I am driving down to Wakulla (LATE) for a 445 team picture.
426: Feel bad about slinging attitude at Dave.
440: Informed photographer left. Relaxing drive down to Wakulla.
505: Receive text from JV coach that there are no referees yet for the 500 kickoff of the JV game.
506: Begin frantic emailing and calling, sure that that this is my screwup.
515: relieved to know that I didn’t screw up, the refs are just late.
730: start game.
930: game over (we won 1-0 woot).
1000: Leave Wakulla.
1010: Nico starts crying.
1020: Stop at Woodville Highway and 98 to change Nico and feed him. He is pissed.
1045: Continue drive back to Tallahassee.
1115: Arrive home.
1130: Pump.
1220: Finish pumping. Begin working on senior night stuff.
1245: BED.
Aren’t you stressed out? Yeah! Me too!! On the upside, not much left of this kind of schedule. We have one regular season game left (tomorrow night), plus two games next week. One the week after. Whether or not we win that first game after districts will dictate how life goes for a while. It would be great to win districts and get the loser of another district. That doesn’t necessarily mean we will win the first game of regionals- as we’d likely be playing a panama city or pensecola team… there are a lot of good ones. But maybe once the season is over, things will chill out for a while.
All for now. Write more later.
life is great isnt it?
ReplyDeleteI know you didnt ask for suggestions, but i'm about to offer one anyway. One of the biggest time/stress savers for us is that we spend some time on Sunday getting everybody ready for the week. Max has a spot dedicated on top of his bookshelf that has a little bucket for each day of the week that he is going to be in daycare. In each bucket goes all the stuff that he will need for that day. The clothes we will dress him in in the morning, change of clothes, blanket for nap, etc. When he was younger, i even staged his meals, snacks, sippy cup.
We tried to do this the night before...but we always forgot or got tired...so we started getting ready for the whole week, and it has worked like a charm. I have even started doing the same thing for myself...which is lame...but it works.
It gets easier!