Nico had a blast. He had to work with the little scooter sled for a while before they ditched the sleds for skating without. I think its only going to be a few lessons before he is buzzing around like a little hockey machine.
Despite our better judgement, this is going on during the same season as basketball. We didn't really want to be the kind of family where our kids' extracurricular activity runs things. But here we are. The good news is that when he starts being a little monster, I can threaten to take away more things, to get him to fall in line. There was an incident at Legos a couple of weeks ago and I suspended Nico for one lego practice, you would have thought the world was coming to an end. It was awesome. It sucks while it is going down, but I would much rather have a kid who cares passionately about things like legos and basketball and skating lessons than a kid who DGAF.
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