A really funny thing that Nico is doing lately is when he pretends to take notes on important things. Last week or so, I was talking with him about how important my birthday is. And all the things I want. He's looking at me, maintaining eye contact, and pulls up his hand and holds it like he is holding a little note pad. He looks down and pretends to write on the notepad, and nods. Like he is actually taking notes. It's pretty much amazing. I wish I had him on video doing it. Seriously, you would pee your pants laughing at it.
One of my co-workers is somewhat uncomfortable with the whole birthday celebration thing, which wouldn't be a big deal. In fact, I was sure I would forget her birthday and well, no harm, no foul, right? Until I found out that her birthday is 1 day before mine. Wha-what? I can't forget that!! Everyone knows that Oct 16 is the best birthday!! So, I wanted to do something for her, but not really for her. So I figured we could have a birthday joint birthday celebration. But since she didn't want to do anything for her birthday, it basically would just be us having cake with friends. But then, I feel a bit awkward asking people to come to a birthday celebration for me. Like, "Hey, can you take five minutes out of your life to acknowledge my birth? Thanks Dude." So rather than being awkward, I thought I would play it the other way. I sent this to my co-workers last week:
Good Morning Everyone!!
It is October 2, 2013 and we are just two short weeks away from the most glorious of all glorious days: my birthday. Yes, just 33 years and 50 weeks ago, the planet Earth was blessed with my birth. There have been no other children born before or since who are as radiant and wondrous as myself. The qualities of my character which deserve to be exalted include my shining personality, my quick wit and sharp intellect, and above all, my noble humility. I humbly request that all of you lesser persons join me for dessert delicacies and beverages on the afternoon of Wednesday October 16, 2013. It is my recommendation that you people bring your lunches to the conference room at noon on that marvelous day. I will bestow upon you tasty edibles in the form of cakes or sweets that will surely be pleasing to your plebian palates.
No gifts are required, although continued thoughts of goodwill and pleasant salutations are welcome.
Please direct any correspondence with concerns in my general direction and I may or may not be inclined to provide further information.
Good day!
HRM Jessi Bishop-Royse
Luckily most everyone "got it". Aren't I funny?
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