Friday, October 18, 2013

Birthday Post and Other Things...

So as you recall, this week included a very special day!  In fact, it included the most special of all special days: my birthday.
With the Queen's Lunch on Wednesday at noon, I had to go to CrossFit at 6am.  Waiting for me was a partner workout, which included 8 rounds (where one person does one round and the other person rests- so we each were to do four rounds) of: 20 pull-ups, 30 push-ups, 40 sit-ups, and 50 air squats.  My partner had to go to work, so we only ended up doing 3 rounds, but my arms and shoulders were shot nonetheless.  That said, I have seen (on the internets) other places that have birthday workouts... like, "Hey!!  You're turning 23!!  Let's do 5 rounds (because it is May 5th) of 23 pull-ups, 23 overhead squats, 23 push-ups, 23 double unders, and 23 handstand push ups!!)  To which I say, "Ain't nobody got time for that!!"

My coworkers joined me for lunch in our conference room, where we had cake and champagne!  Julia's Doppleganger (who is my coworker, who I absolutely adore) made me a crown.  Don't be jealous, MOM!!

For my birthday, Dave and Nico got me a Manchester City scarf, a DePaul Beanie hat (it's getting cold up here), a DePaul drawstring sack, and the book "The Signal and the Noise."  And we had Lou Malnati's pizza for dinner.  And I had cider.  And Dave got us a trifle/layer/parfait dessert thing that was delicious, but quite the mess.  In all it was fantastic!!  Last night, we concluded the festivities with a date night at the Little Bucharest Bistro and a stop by a nearby used book store.  Dave and I were talking about it last night, and so far, we have had cuisine from: Romania, Serbia, Poland, the Phillipines, and Cuba, since we have been in Chicago.  Isn't that cool?

So, in all, it was a fantastic birthday!!  I couldn't have asked for a better day!!

Which brings me to an announcement: one of the things that I want to do in the next year is get pregnant  (for the last  time?).  As a demographer, I am well-aware of the risk of having babies after the age of 35.  Since Dave and I have always been planning to have more than one kid, we need to get this show on the road. ASAP. That said, I want to lose the last 9 lbs of Dissertation+Nico baby weight before we get that show on the road.

There is no real reason for this.  I am really healthy.  Most weeks, I put 35-45 miles on my bike, I do CrossFit 3-5 times a week, and those are the "easy' weeks.  This year, I have stopped drinking soda, stopped eating fast food, cut way back on alcohol, and have dabbled with paleo eating (I say dabbled because I can't quit you cake, chocolate covered anything, frosting, cookies, bread, pasta, peanut butter, beer, cake pops, little debbie cakes, oatmeal cream pies, fried anything, pretzel buns, pizza, butter, yogurt, donuts, bagels, biscuits non-paleo food).  Also, since I don't do drugs or smoke, the only thing that would really put me at "high" risk other than my age is my weight.

Hold your horses, even after I lose these last Dissertation+Nico lbs, I will still have about 20-30 grad school pounds that I'd like to get rid of.  Don't get me wrong, I will be super excited to be back to pre-Nico weight.  I don't think I have ever put the numbers "out there" but when it was all said and done, I put on 45 lbs with Le Beast.  Obviously, I am going to bust my ass for as long as possible so that doesn't happen with El Dos.  Can you imagine how bad ass all my CrossFit friends will think I am when I am still working out at 6 or 7 months.  Of course, I can't wait to use my pregnancy as an excuse to not do certain things.  Death by Burpee today?  Sorry, can't! Doctor says I can't be on the ground like that!!

I think this plan is completely reasonable, it just takes time.  Also, the weather is changing up here... which means I might not be able to ride my bike for that much longer.  Mostly because I don't have snow tires on my bike (which I think are what mountain bikes are for in the city).  That said, I cannot justify buying another bike (would this be a "winter bike?") just to for winter riding.  I really would be insufferable then.  In fact, I am hoping to make it to Thanksgiving riding to and from work.  That might be ambitious, but as long as there isn't snow or frozen water on the ground, I think I will be okay.

So my announcement is that I am ducking out of the blog and facebook for a while.  Just till Thanksgiving.  Mostly because I have two big papers I am working on at work that I am kind of digging... so if anything I want to put in more time working on them.  But also because when I get home at night, its only a matter of time before I am ready for sleep.  Not ready for bed, but ready for sleep.  If I had my way, most days, I would be asleep by about 830 pm (as it turns out, I am turning into my Dad).  Besides, I hate the idea of people checking my blog for news about the Bishop-Royse adventures in Chicago only to be disappointed. And plus, The Facebook is kind of a timesuck.  And a half.  So for about the next six weeks, I am going to focus on Nico, Dave, working out, eating well, and work.  If you need me, call me or email me.  Otherwise, I will catch you on the flip side.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Nico's school was closed on Monday.  I find this to be very suspicious, as a Korean family owns and manages his school.  Is this racist of me?  Maybe.  But seriously, Columbus Day??  You know it is a sad state of affairs when the Catholic school DePaul is open for business and the Korean preschool is closed.  Boo-sauce!!  Oh, you're saying that Nico's school is closed because all state and city things are closed.  And doesn't really have anything to do with Columbus?  Well, there you go using LOGIC!!!

I had planned to go get my car registered and such.  But guess what was closed?  BOOOO!!! So Nico and I ended up going to the library and having lunch.

In fact, I wrote most of yesterday's blog post while at the library with him.  He played with blocks and hung out.  Then we got some police car books.  It was definitely a good time.

In other news, Dave and Nico have started reading.  Not like the Declaration of Independence, but like signs and books and stuff. 
It's pretty amazing. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Marco scores a run!

One of the really funny things that Nico has started doing is "playing" "sports" in the house.  If we're being honest, he comes by this genetically, as Dave did this and drove his mom crazy.  Nico has taken to doing this game while Dave is watching sports.  Lately, its been baseball and hockey.  He'll basically bounce a ball away from himself and run to catch up with it- usually ending with a catch and a slide into something.  It's pretty funny- but the best part is that he has started narrating.  Now until this weekend, it was something like "Number 88 Patrick Kane slides into the goal and scores a run for the New York Fire."  This is hilarious because the Fire (a soccer team) play out of Chicago, and you score runs in baseball, not hockey, which is the sport that 88 Patrick Kane plays.  In Chicago.

This weekend, Nico started narrating himself doing these things, but calling himself Marco.  I have no idea why Marco.  

Friday night, Davn and I went to see Captain Phillips (the new Tom Hanks movie).  We stopped into a Moerer pub on the way home for some late dinner, which was okay.  Saturday morning, Nico had swimming lessons.  His teacher made a special point of telling me that he is ready to move up to the next class... but unfortunately,  his little buddy probably isn't.

Here is a video of Nico jumping in:

After swimming lessons, we headed over to Target, which included a spin through the toy section for items that Nico wants to add to his Christmas  list (we were mostly killing time, allowing Dad to get a workout in before we headed home).  Nico and I have done these little excursions maybe 4 times and his meltdowns after are getting progressively less and less shitty.  I know the natural question to ask is, why do it at all?  But I want him to start understanding the role of patience and waiting for things.  We've also instituted a chore chart and allowance, but it's one of those things that require time and patience and sometimes the parental units just don't have it in them. 

After we took a nap on Saturday, I ran a couple of errands, that included a stop to check out a consignment shop somewhat nearby.  It's one of the great things about living in a sizeable city... This wasn't even the closest one to us.  It was about 2 miles away- which in Tallahassee would seem much further away.  Anyhoo... Nico is growing like a weed.  He's slimmed out a bit, so while the 3T britches still fit him in the waist, they are way too short.  Plus, we dont really have the right kinds of clothing for layering.  This consignment shop is pretty amazing.  Super cheap clothes.  I found a 3T Gap kids sweater for $3 and 4 pair of pants for $2 each and 4 waffle knit shirts for Nico for $2 each. I also got a couple of sweaters for me and a couple of scarves too (including a cashmere one for $5).  The cool thing is that if I had wanted to wait until Columbus Day,  could have gotten everything for half price.  But I wasnt trying to deal with that madness.  After I ran to Joanns and got some stuff to organize the house.  With colder weather coming up, I suspect we are going to want to stay closer to home in the next couple of months, so we will have more time to organize and such.  

Sunday, I had brunch with Julia and Jake out in Oak Park.  They were flying out of OHare and I wanted to find a place that was relatively easy to get from to OHare.  After, I made a run to Fresh Farms super market.  This place is in Niles- we pass it going to and from the YMCA.  Dave has been in a few times and exclaimed about their seafood counter and beer selection.  So I thought I would give it a go.  

The place is pretty much heaven.  There is a huge produce section.  You know the place is has a huge produce selection when I dont know a quarter of the items that are there.  And.  The best part?  Russian candy section!!
  For serious!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Most Special of All Special Days

A really funny thing that Nico is doing lately is when he pretends to take notes on important things.  Last week or so, I was talking with him about how important my birthday is.  And all the things I want.  He's looking at me, maintaining eye contact, and pulls up his hand and holds it like he is holding a little note pad.  He looks down and pretends to write on the notepad, and nods.  Like he is actually taking notes.  It's pretty much amazing.  I wish I had him on video doing it.  Seriously, you would pee your pants laughing at it.

One of my co-workers is somewhat uncomfortable with the whole birthday celebration thing, which wouldn't be a big deal. In fact, I was sure I would forget her birthday and well, no harm, no foul, right? Until I found out that her birthday is 1 day before mine. Wha-what? I can't forget that!! Everyone knows that Oct 16 is the best birthday!! So, I wanted to do something for her, but not really for her. So I figured we could have a birthday joint birthday celebration. But since she didn't want to do anything for her birthday, it basically would just be us having cake with friends. But then, I feel a bit awkward asking people to come to a birthday celebration for me. Like, "Hey, can you take five minutes out of your life to acknowledge my birth? Thanks Dude." So rather than being awkward, I thought I would play it the other way. I sent this to my co-workers last week:

Good Morning Everyone!!

It is October 2, 2013 and we are just two short weeks away from the most glorious of all glorious days: my birthday. Yes, just 33 years and 50 weeks ago, the planet Earth was blessed with my birth. There have been no other children born before or since who are as radiant and wondrous as myself. The qualities of my character which deserve to be exalted include my shining personality, my quick wit and sharp intellect, and above all, my noble humility. I humbly request that all of you lesser persons join me for dessert delicacies and beverages on the afternoon of Wednesday October 16, 2013. It is my recommendation that you people bring your lunches to the conference room at noon on that marvelous day. I will bestow upon you tasty edibles in the form of cakes or sweets that will surely be pleasing to your plebian palates.

No gifts are required, although continued thoughts of goodwill and pleasant salutations are welcome.

Please direct any correspondence with concerns in my general direction and I may or may not be inclined to provide further information.

Good day!

HRM Jessi Bishop-Royse

Luckily most everyone "got it".  Aren't I funny?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Apple Season

Last weekend was very fun.  Friday night, Dave and Nico met me in Lincoln Square on the bike trailer.  Dave had to edit for the news service, otherwise, we might have grabbed some dinner there.  

Saturday morning, I shot a workshop at CrossFit when Nico and Dave headed to Nico's school for some type of Family Fun Get Together.  After, they headed to the YMCA for swimming lessons and working out.  On my way home, I stopped by the Southport Grocery, for some treats (cupcakes and such).  BTW, reason 3420849305 Chicago is awesome:  In Tally, I could count on one hand the number of little gourmet groceries.  In Chicago, you'd need several more hands.  Like 10. When I got home, Nico and I napped, which was fantastic.  The weather was kind of crummy (thunderstorms and such).  True story, I love the crap out of napping during storms.  

Sunday, we had brunch at our friend Robyn and Jordan's house, which Nico declared to be one of the funnest parts of the weekend.  My friends Kevin and Jennifer were there, and they gave us the real story on how it is in Chicago.  After brunch, we drove up to Libertyville for apple picking.  It was a lot of fun!  Dave and Nico are really good at apple picking!!

Of course, the apples had to be taste-tested.  So, you know.  In actuality, Nico ate three apples on our trip.  The good news is that we have a peck of apples... which might as well be a shit ton of apples.  Have no idea what I am going to do with this many apples.  But I think the old-standby, the Caramel Apple Pie with Cornmeal Crust is going to happen.  I just wish I could make and freeze.    

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Haters Should Hate

I think it would be hard to like me.

I don't know if I have haters, but assure me, I probably deserve it.

I have a fantastic life: an adorably funny and smart son; a superhot husband who does laundry and cooks (almost as well as I do). I have a job that I LOVE. I live in a cool ass city and I am getting some time to do things I have wanted to do for a long time (photography and fitness... A LOT OF BOTH). Nobody's life should be allowed to be that awesome, right??

Speaking of awesome, take a look at this kid:

So that is how the cookie crumbles.

I had my interim probationary review at work this week and my boss had some really nice things to say. One component of my job is to provide research consultation to faculty members. This might be anything from helping someone run some stats, to finding data sources for someone else. Earlier this week a faculty member that I helped a couple of months ago approached my boss and raved about me. Unsolicited. Yeah... that is pretty cool.

I really like the people I work with. While I appreciate that I have fairly low standards for work-place interactions, I believe that my current situation would be enviable to anyone. My boss is cool in that he tries to empower all of us to be in control of ourselves and our work. In fact, he hates us having to be dependent on him for stuff. Which works out great for me, because I hate being dependent on people for stuff.

My co-workers mostly leave me alone. We all have the things that we do and no one tries backstab or undercut each other. We all have the things that we bring to the table, so we don't compete with each other. And here is a weird thing, that "bitchy-we're-all-friends-but-we-aren't" thing that happens in a lot of places? Not up in the SSRC. LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Nico has been in the midwest for all of four months, and it appears that he has begun acquiring a midwestern accent.  Sweet Jesus.  An actual midwestern accent.  So, it started the other day when we were playing around and he said something about taking a ba-yth.  A what, you ask?  A ba-yth.  No, let me stop for a second and explain something, so you can fully appreciate what the hell was going on.  A couple of months ago, I was tickling Nico and he laughed and said, "You're tickling my hip."  But what I heard was, "You're tickling my heeeip."  To which I laughed and said, "Hip.  You're tickling my HIP."  He thinks this is hilarious.  And so it becomes a game.  So, I thought he was joking me the other day when he said "bayth".  No.  Not joking at all.
I envision this:


He's also started asking if he can go outside by asking, "Can I go outside to stretch my legs?" This is hilarious, because he got this from Dave. But usually only in the context of roadtrips. It's pretty great.

We had a fun weekend. I went to Toledo, Ohio on Thursday for a conference with my boss. We presented Friday morning and killed it. We had over 100 people at a 9am session. In academic standards, that is pretty much like standing room only. I got back Friday night while Dave and Nico were at the YMCA and putzed around the house. Saturday morning Nico and I walked up to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. After, we headed to the YMCA for swimming lessons for Nico. Saturday afternoon, we met Nico's new babysitter. She is a student at North Park University and does music. In fact, today she asked if she could take him to her bell practice. She thinks he might enjoy helping her ring the bells. Are you kidding me? He's going to love it.

Check out this meatball playing catch:

Sunday, Nico and I ran some errands, including a couple of book stores. One of these was a used bookstore, I pass twice a day going to and from work. I can't wait to head back some time without Nico... to see if they have any treasures. It looks like the kind of place that would have treasures.