Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Gonna Rename it.

Additionally, I think I am going to change the address of this blog.

There are several reasons, but mostly because the blog is really about all of us, the Nico Royse Show on Blogger isn't really an accurate assessment of what is going on.  Additionally, I don't want to have to deal with a snotty 9 year old daughter in 10-11 years who is like, "You don't love me as much as you love Nico!!  You named the blog after him!!"  Aint nobody got time for that!!!

Also, as we move onto Chicago, I would like to blog about that experience for anyone who is still in Florida and who cares... which means I am going to make this one public again.  I guess I could just start a new blog for that, but there is a threshold on the amount of stuff that I have scattered to the far-flung corners of the internet.

I won't do so until probably May or so, so if you are one of the 2 readers who aren't my sister and mom, make sure you either comment or send em an email at jessibishoproyse at,  so that I know to invite you to the new one.