Thursday, March 21, 2013


Not much new to report.  Life is kinda boring right now.  I have been trying to establish some regular cleaning routines around the house.  Its tough because session is happening right now, so I am on my own with Nico a lot in the evenings... so I cant spend 2-3 hours when I get home cleaning and organizing, because who is going to make dinner?  Get Nico showered and in bed?

I read a book called, "Lean In".  It's by Sheryl Sandberg, who has been all over Facebook and social media promoting the book.  Her main argument is that women aren't striving to leadership positions in business and academia and the work place.  There are many reasons for this, but namely, work+life is too difficult for some women.   In any case, I was thinking that the book women really need is how to hack the house so that you dont have to spend a lot of time cleaning, cooking, etc.  That is the book that needs to be written.

Randomly, I am wondering if I am too old to start playing video games.  My favorite show.  Of. All. Time. Is. The Walking Dead.  Seriously.

The problem with this is that there are two episodes left this season.  And then it's not back until October.  And there is a Walking Dead video game.... wouldnt that be funny?  Especially if I became a "gamer"?  No? Oh well... there goes that idea.

Headed to Chicago next week.  Hopefully I can finalize a place for us to live.  Dave and I had originally talked about me going up for the week and him flying up with Nico for the weekend.  It ended up being really expensive for airfare and we're not entirely sure Nico would enjoy that kind of trip.  So I'm going solo. The trip will also be a little different because I am staying in Lincoln Park.  Seriously.  Literally, a mile away from my office.  Since 1.5 hours of every day won't be spent commuting to and fro, hopefully, I will be able to spend some more time exploring the area.  AND. FINDING. A. HOUSE.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Swimming with the manatees...

This weekend, we took Nico to swim with the manatees in Crystal River.  During the winter, when it gets "cold" in Florida, manatees like to go to King's Bay and Crystal River because the water stays "warm" pretty much year round.  So during the winter, when the gulf and the ocean are cold, they go to Crystal River to warm up.  And in the summer, they go back out to the gulf to cool off.
We rented a boat and were on the water by about 930 or 1000.  My mom came up from Ft. Myers to hang out with Nico (before the big move to Chicago).  We took the boat to the further of the places where we could see the manatees.  There are some pretty strict rules about what you can and can't do with the manatees.  But they have a special area near santuaries where you can snorkel.  Theoretically if you are there, the manatees can come right up to you.  But, you're not supposed to chase them and you are not supposed to harass them.  And if they go back into their sanctuary, you're supposed to let them go.  
Dave got into the water first, with the idea that I'd help Nico into the water and join them.  Well, the boy got on the ladder and decided, "um, no."  To be fair, the water was really cold.  I mean, I don't drink water that cold.  So, I helped Nico back into the boat and went to get in myself.  And for the first minute after I got in, I thought, "I have made a horrible mistake.  This water is too cold."  But then I warmed up and it was fine.  I understand why manatees were on the endangered species list.  They have no fear of humans. One came right up to the boat and stuck his face out of the water at Nico, which was awesome.  While we were in the water, they came right up to us.  In fact, one headbutted Dave in the chest.  I was mostly worried about being between a manatee that was trying to get back into the sanctuary and the little fence boundary thing that was up.  I didnt want the park ranger to get me (you get fined a crap ton of money for harassing a manatee- which would have been the exact opposite of what I was trying to do).  I also, legitimately, did not want to annoy a manatee.  Seriously, their life isn't hard enough as it is?  They gotta deal with me and my awkward swimming and inability to use a snorkel?  So, I was just trying to not annoy anyone (manatee, park ranger, fellow swimmer).  
So a manatee came up to me and I just put my hand on him, mostly to let him know I was there.  I didnt want to spook or startle him.  They have the coolest feeling skin... so, not smooth, but not rough.  It was cool.  Another came up a little while later and rolled over onto his back.  Like a dog.  And I rubbed his belly!! It was pretty much amazing.  
We went back to the boat to get the boy.  He decided that he was ready to go, so we swam him out to area where you could see the manatees (next to the sanctuary).  Now, if you have never had the pleasure of snorkeling with a three year old in cold water, let me tell you: it's every bit as awesome as you would expect it to be.  He kicked a flipper off, so we had to take them both off. His mask was weird.  His snorkel was weird.  He was cold.  You know the drill.  About half way there, we found some rocks to stand on, so that we could take a breath and get him situated.  It was also a great place to rest until manatees came back.  
One comes in right around the time that Nico is starting to be done with the whole expedition. He had had the chance to pet one, but wasn't really that impressed.  I think he was cold and over the whole thing.  We're in the water treading and Nico says LOUDLY, "I think I am standing on a rock!!"  He wasn't.  The manatee had gone done lower in the water and had come up, right under Nico.   My son was standing on a manatee.  My son was pretty much doing all the things that you are not supposed to do with a manatee.  Standing on a manatee, like he was at SeaWorld in a show.  It was awesome.  
Hopefully no one will read this and arrest my son (apparently it happens that people can get arrested for harassing manatees).  I guess I could do jail time for this.  I mean, if I can't do a stint in the big house for my son, who would I do time for?  My thoughts, exactly.  In any case, it was a lot of fun.  I'm glad that we did this with him.  I hope it becomes one of those memories for him where he doesn't know if it is because he has seen pictures of it or because he actually remembers it. In any case, manatees are so quintessentially Florida.  It seems fitting that now this Florida girl's days in Florida are numbered that we would finally get a chance to do this.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Where in we have a hard time finding a house...

I had a temper tantrum yesterday.  Literally, a crying, throwing stuff temper tantrum.

It started on Saturday.  When I found a house in Forest Park.  Now, let me back up a minute.  We are exceptionally difficult people to find a house for.  In addition to requirements that we NOT live in Crackden, IL, USA, we need a place that will let us have dogs.  We also need a place with a yard, because I am not trying to walk dogs down 2390482390 flights of stairs at 2am, just so Gordon can sit there and look at me like I am an idiot.

We are also trying to find a place we can actually afford... and that has at LEAST 2 bedrooms.  I say at least 2 bedrooms, but what I mean is two bedrooms and a basement or three bedrooms.  Shockingly, this puts us eligible for about 5% percent of listings that I actually find.  Now, once you rule out all the places in Indiana and the far flung suburbs (seriously, I'm not driving  my happy ass an hour and change to work every day.  Nor am I going to sit my happy ass on a train for 4+ hours every day.  Aint gonna happen.  Aint no one got time for that.)  So this makes us eligible for about 1% of the places that I can actually find on the internets.  And then there was the place in Forest Park.

It is the second suburb west out of Chicago (next to my dream town of Oak Park).  It is a 3/2 with a finished basement. In our price range.  With a yard.  Walkable to the El.  I convinced a DePaul coworker to go by... he gives it the two thumbs up. We set an appointment for him to look at the inside of the house for Tuesday at noon.  And I get an email from the realtor at 1145 that the house is off the market because someone else rented it.  SON. OF. A-.

The most annoying thing?  Its not like I have been looking for a day.  I have been looking since mid-January. I have apps for this.  Today when my mechanic decided to open his shop up an hour and a half late (seriously, who does business like that?) I was on my phone.  Searching for properties. So, this is annoying.  We have a couple of feelers out there... some friends in the area who have leads on places, one in Arlington Heights and potentially Oak Park.

There are three places that are on our list now, one is in Evanston- small, with an unfinished basement... Evanston is cool because its kinda hipster and an easy ride on the train to my work... Northwestern is there.  Another in Norridge (an easy, short commute), which is a 3/2 with a finished basement, but Dave doesnt like Norridge.  And another in Hoffman Estates- which is verging on too far... but the house is CRAY.  It has more bathrooms than our house has rooms.  It looks like one of the victims of the bursting housing bubble... 2700 square feet.... HAY (which is short for Huge Ass Yard).  You think Jessi Bishop-Royse has a hard time keeping a 1500 square foot home clean?  Wait till she is dealing with a 2700 square foot home.  Seriously- I kind of want to have the house just so that during the holidays, JJ and I could play soccer in the living room and Max and Emme can play tackle football in the kitchen.

I am starting to rethink my strategy.  I wonder if I should just sit tight and wait till I get up there at the end of the month.  Then find a place I want, go there, start throwing money at them until they get me a key.  Probably a good idea.  Meh.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Jerk Squad...

We had a pretty chill weekend.

We went to fun station junior with Graham on Saturday, which was fun.  Nico is still captain of the Jerk squad when he has to leave... which is sort of sweet in it's own perverse way.

We chilled at the house, tried to get some chores done.  Dave had press skits rehearsal and I got a pedicure.

Nico has amassed quite the truck collection.  Isn't it cool?  Friday night, we were at Target and he wanted a truck... so I got it for him with the condition that he help me clean his room up.  I think he might be starting to get the hang of this bribery thing.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Pipe Dream

Not much else going on.  The legislative session is about 4 days old and I am already over it.  I am going to be glad when the session is over... and better yet, when Dave doesnt have to deal with Florida's legislative session.  Boom!!
We took Gordon to the vet yesterday for Cardiologist appointment.  You know you have old dogs when your vet starts recommending senior dog stuff.  Cray.  
We are going to Fun Station Junior on Saturday with Graham.  I can almost promise that Nico is going to show his tail when we leave.... But hopefully he will have more fun than last time when it was just us.  I think he will.

Other than that, I am hoping we can just have a chill weekend.  I am trying to stay on top of the cleaning and whatnot at the house.  Who knew that running a household would be so much work?  I don't know how our Moms handled it.  I am just worn out most of the time.  I am looking forward to the days when I can just sit on the couch and knit ALL DAY while alternates between doing chores and playing... I'm living a pipe dream, you say?  Oh well.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Isn't this great?

Nico has been lining up some of his trucks in the doorway of the office leading out into the living room. Last night, Drake was a bit annoyed because the trucks locked him in (while Dave and I were in the kitchen talking).

It's awesome that he is playing a lot by himself these days. For a while he wouldn't play by himself and he wouldnt want to do anything except watch TV or whatever I was doing. But now he plays by himself a lot. I can actually take some time to throw a load of laundry in the wash or get dinner started. Its pretty awesome.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Gonna Rename it.

Additionally, I think I am going to change the address of this blog.

There are several reasons, but mostly because the blog is really about all of us, the Nico Royse Show on Blogger isn't really an accurate assessment of what is going on.  Additionally, I don't want to have to deal with a snotty 9 year old daughter in 10-11 years who is like, "You don't love me as much as you love Nico!!  You named the blog after him!!"  Aint nobody got time for that!!!

Also, as we move onto Chicago, I would like to blog about that experience for anyone who is still in Florida and who cares... which means I am going to make this one public again.  I guess I could just start a new blog for that, but there is a threshold on the amount of stuff that I have scattered to the far-flung corners of the internet.

I won't do so until probably May or so, so if you are one of the 2 readers who aren't my sister and mom, make sure you either comment or send em an email at jessibishoproyse at,  so that I know to invite you to the new one.

Polo Shirt

When we were in Orlando over the weekend, we went to the outlet mall.  Grandma bought Nico a polo shirt because we decided that he would be adorable in it.

I think we can all agree that he is adorb.

On another front, I think we may have turned the corner in the bathroom situation.  Nico has been extraordinarily good about the whole going #2 on the potty.  For serious.  Like sometimes he will just take himself in there and get it done.

I think that the conversation I had with him regarding his desire for a sibling might have something to do with this.  I He has mentioned a couple of times that he wants a little brother or sister, so I told him that before we can talk about that, he needs to get the potty training under control, because we cant be having a baby in diapers and having to deal with that whole situation.  He still wears diapers at nap and bed time, but I think that won't last for too long.  He seems to be thinking that he is going to get a firefighter truck bed when we move to Chicago- which he says that he is going to sleep in, and put him self to sleep in.  #toogoodtobetrue?

When we came home from school on Monday, Nico and I did some exercising.  A friend had given me an older ellipitical, so I did that for a while and then Nico did it while I lifted weights.  He did calves with me.  He is pretty excited about how big our muscles are going to be.

That is where we are at.  Still trying to find a house that we can live in in the Chicago area.  But, it seems to NOT be a renter's market.  At least not for people with two large dogs who want a yard with a fence.  

Monday, March 4, 2013


This weekend we met Dave's parents (Grandma and Grandpa) and Aunt Rosie in Orlando so that they could spend some time with Nico before we move for the big city.  It was a pretty fun weekend, even if it was a little cold.

Nico had a pretty good time.  Hanging around the hotel on Saturday night, we found a new love: the Coast Guard Rescue show on the Weather Channel.  That is definitely his jam these days.  

In the show Fireman Sam, the fire trucks are named after Ancient Roman gods: Jupiter is the big ladder truck, Venus is the smaller truck with tractor tracks and Neptune is the boat they use for water rescues.  Well, Nico calls Dave's 4Runner, Jupiter and my Kia, Venus.  So much so, when Dave asked me which car I was taking to work, I responded, Venus.  Ha!!!  

The legislative session starts this week.  Boo!!  

Dave and I have decided to start eating a Mediterranean diet.  Mostly because of this article in NEJM.   Seriously, you know your findings are legit when you can get away with ending your study early because you think it is unethical to not let your control group in on the treatment action.  We already eat a Mediterranean-like diet.  We use a lot of olive oil in our cooking, and I have recently started drinking red wine.  But having the scientific evidence there is nice too.  The main difference will be eliminating a lot of the refined foods.  I'm not sure how excited Nico will be about this :(