Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Long Labor Day Weekend.

So the question on whether or not Nico was going to be allowed to travel was answered this week. The ANSWER IS YES!!  Nico was great!

Since Dave was down in Tampa covering the RNC, Nico and I left from Tallahassee on Thursday afternoon.  I scooped him up from his school before nap and we headed to the airport.  We had a brief moment when he was acting like the Assistant Regional Manager of the Jerk Store.  In fact, the only time he acted up was while we were in the airport in Tallahassee and Atlanta.  And by acting up, he was basically just trying to get away from me- which I probably wouldnt care about it if he were 5 or 8 and aware that TSA would bounce his little ass on the no fly list if he cuts up too much.  When your kid is 3 your biggest worry in life is that someone is going to take him.  Add to that the fact that Nico is ridiculously good looking.  Doesn't this look like the kind of kid you would want to steal?  I thought so.  

The flight from Tallahassee to Atlanta was easy.  Nico didnt cry or fuss on the flight.  Which was awesome.  He stayed awake until we were leaving Atlanta when he fell asleep while taxiing for take-off.  He was sitting in the window seat and just put his head in my lap and took a little nap.  It was awesome.  

Nicole, Emme and Max scooped us up from the airport and took us back to their place in Rockwall.  They moved this summer from Dallas to the suburb of Rockwall.  Their house is huge and we had a blast there. Max and Emme have lots of toys that Nico loved playing with (including several ride-on cars like firetrucks).  Friday we hung around the house waiting for everyone to get done with school and work.  Oh and we got a hamburger cake.  But we didn't get any pictures of it.  :(

Friday night we scooped up Dave from the airport and headed back to Rockwall.  Saturday we headed to the harbor (on a lake in Rockwall) and had Chilosos for dinner.  

The harbor is cool because we also got some ice cream and listened to the Rockwall symphony play some movie soundtracks.  We sat in the grass and listened and the kids went in the light house.  It was awesome.  

We ended up winning the tournament.  I got to see Julia and her husband Jake.  Julia just had ankle surgery, or else she would have played with us during the tournament.  The girls that were on the team are really cool.  Good players... no drama, no attitude.  It was great.

The kids had a great time... even if it was apparent that someone is definitely an only child (and his name rhymes with Rico).  Nicole and Cody have a pool, so it was great swimming a bunch.   The great thing about a pool is that its easier to jump in the pool than to take a bath just before bed time.  Isnt that awesome!!  We got some snuggles with Beckett... who is getting big.  That boy is going to be a biggun!!

In all it was a great long weekend.  But now we are back.  Back on the grind.  Back to work.  Back to school.  Booo!

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