We need to move to a city with buses, trains and metros, STAT.
At practice last night, Nico was hanging out with the little brother of one of the players (Aliya). The boy is maybe 5 or so, so he was hanging out in his Dad's Truck (which, is according to Jaden, a "diesel".) Its a big truck- definitely a lot more space than the Kia. So Nico was content to hang out in the truck... in fact he was annoyed that I put him in the Kia to go home. Am I really going to have a boy who only wants to drive trucks, go mud boggin, hunt gators and go fishin'? We live in the city, it seems poser-ish to be into hunting, fishing, mud-bogging and trucks, don't you think?
Not much going on around here. I have my final presentation tonight- just in the nick of time, because the class is starting to get on my nerves.
Nico continues to surprise me every day. I kinda thought that he didnt like apples, since EVERY time I have offered them to him, he wants nothing to do with them. Until last night coming home from practice I am eating an apple and he starts fussing in the back seat. I ask him what's going on and he says, "Apple". The little booger wanted part of my apple! So I bit him off a piece and he chewed it all nonchalant like... like he'd been waiting for a piece forever...
Its amazing how well he is talking. The other day, Dave went to give Nico a bath while I jumped in the shower. They were in the office and I in the bathroom when I heard Nico say, plain as day, "Where is Mama?" It was awesome!
Dave and I have created a monster. Monday Dave came home kind of early, so he made it there in time for dinner- which kind of jacks our schedule up a little. Nico didn't want to sit in his high chair so I tried letting him sit on my lap... which didnt work. So he got down and did his own thing at dinner. Which included going to get his scooter. And he ate dinner on his scooter. He would ride around the kitchen and Dave would "call" him up to the "drive through" (me) by insisting that there would be an extra charge for not eating the sandwich. Nico thought it was HILARIOUS.
Or...you could just get a diesel...