Last night was ok. Our friend Flav came over last night to watch LOST and to have dinner. All plans of responsible eating went out the window... we had some steak that had been sitting in the freezer till this weekend (coincidentally, the steak was part of an almost 30 dollar purchase of two steaks in a heart shape that Dave bought on Valentine's Day. Isn't he romantic?) Flav brought Gratin Dauphinois which was delicious (Potatoes Augratin). I burned the hell out of a Key Lime Pie- which in the ended ended up being edible... more like Cheesecake than Key Lime Pie. Meh.

The plan is for us to get Dave's car back on Saturday- which will require a trip to Leesburg. Will be glad when we are a two car family again.
Dave's Mom sent Nico a little outfit for Easter. Isn't he the most precious thing ever? Its one of those long sleeved-long pants jobs... but sometimes we have a hard time getting the bottom snapped. At times, its a bit like trying to put pjs on a tarpon. He's thrashing about, kicking. He usually manages to kick the pack of wipes off the changing table. In general, he tears the place up!! So consequently, he ends up wearing a lot of the pjs with most of the bottom buttons undone, which make it look like he is wearing a dress.
I know, intellectually as a sociologist that I should be actively putting him in dresses and doing what I can to bring down the gender patriarchy... you know, contribute to mucking up the masculine discourse and all that. But, I am a crappy sociologist. So it is what it is.
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