So I have a few minutes before I have to go back to my contract manager training... milka-what? Yeah, I am going to be a contract manager. Ha!!
In any case, these are the things I am thinking about:
1. Seriously, I missed the boat with this whole blogging as a career thing. I could SOOOOO do this: She is now going to be on HGTV. Her blog is just about her husband, her kids, her dogs, things that annoy her... and people send her stuff... for free... for her to review. Cool stuff. Like this and this. Damn it!!
2. Banquet tomorrow night. Not sure I am ready to see our seniors go. On an unrelated matter- I took two trophies to the award shop yesterday to get a plate engraved and attached. The guy dropped one of the trophies. Wha-What? How is this possible? They want to know how to make it right. I am not sure.
3. Do any of my tallahassee peeps want to join Good Friends Fitness? I want to join for spinning... they have childcare so Nico could chill out there.
4. I really want some cupcakes. What else is new?
5. Turns out, this breast feeding thing is a lot more fun/relaxing/chill/cool/not as sucky as I thought it would be. But I am looking forward to being able to take adderall again. Productivity: WIN!!
6. Sometimes when I think of the 15-20 minute snatches of life I get when Nico plays by himself in the pack n play, or when Dave is getting Nico ready for bed, I am tempted to go craxy with crafts I want to do, which include:
-make this scarf
-make a wonky log cabin quilt for Nico
-finish Christmas stockings
-make a christmas tree skirt
Then I remember that there is a sink full of dishes to be washed.
7. Am very happy for my two grad school friends who are about to finish their PhDs. One has just been offered a job at DePaul. I am happy but a smidge jealous at the same time. But I have a baby. So top that!
That is all I have for right now.
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