So I spent the weekend teaching Nico how to read.
Okay, not really. But that would have been awesome! Instead, we had our last preseason workout on Saturday. Our friends Flav and Austin came, so we went to The Riverside Cafe afterward. Overall, he's been pretty good at practice. Saturday was no exception. He slept most of the morning and afternoon away. We are at the point now, where I generally dont wake him up to eat... he's routinely going 5-7 hours at night sleeping (woo hoo!). So I didnt wake him up to eat on Saturday. The result was that by the time 7 or 8 pm rolled around, he had only eaten four times since he woke up. And MAN was he pissed! But when I tried to feed him- even more pissed. He eventually stopped crying and went to sleep- but I have no idea why he was so mad... am wistfully hoping that we have one of those babies that likes to go to sleep early and is severely pissed off when you keep trying to feed him when he wants to sleep.
Aside from that- not much new to report. Have been looking at the job market and trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. Still have no idea. Its getting to the point where I am entertaining the idea of just putting a bunch of options on pieces of paper and drawing one out of a hat- and going with that. Seems like a reasonable way to make career choices, no?
Nico and I had a good day today. We watched the Villa and City game on tv today. BTW- I am loving the hell out of this not working thing+the premier league playing games on Monday. It makes me feel less bad about not having a job when I can lay on the couch and watch Soccer on tv. Suckas!!
We also went for a walk around the neighborhood. Today was the first day that Nico sat in the Baby Bjorn face out. And he loved it. Am thinking about heading up to campus tomorrow, but taking the bus- which is a lot less of a pain in the ass than driving and parking at the stadium and having to walk with Nico to Bellamy. Of course, I may just decide to stay home. Who knows?
SO JEALOUS!!! I want to practise with Flav. Anyhows, instead of commenting on all of the entries and annoying you I am going to just comment on this one and say that Nico is adorable, and the videos are amazing (Royce playing harmonica is the best by far)! Well hope you are having a good week, and expect a call this Friday with me singing Happy Birthday!! ha ha ha