I know, a blog post? What? What is this nonsense? Crazy, I know. It's just been completely out of control. Between the soccer season, traveling for the holidays, applying for jobs, digging out from all I didnt do while traveling over the holidays. There is no excuse for it. I know. I know. I hope that when Nico reads this he will understand how much I really wanted to post, but couldnt. What does he want from me? To be Nicole?
The holidays were awesome. In order to attempt to check something off my life list (having a white christmas), I urged the family to go to Michigan for Christmas. Plus that meant that Mom could see Uncle Scott. And it avoided the fight about Dallas v. Tallahassee for the holidays. Well, we didnt get snow on Christmas, but we got it a couple of days after. Nico loved it. But I think his favorite part was running around with the cousins. They were quite the little band. It was pretty cute.
The lake house was really close to Lake Michigan, so we went over to check it out. It's weird to be in a place where you can hear waves and see snow. Its disorienting for this Florida girl. Christmas day was a pretty big hit. Santa brought Nico a police officer costume, a fire truck, and various firefighter gear. Once again, we ended up leaving with more stuff than we brought.
We took the kids to Chicago to go to Shedd Aquariaum (also so I could do a job interview at DePaul). Nico's favorite part was the submarine that he played in. But in all, he was pretty much done after about two hours. We are definitely not the kind of family that should ever go to those things, mostly because I dont really think we ever get our money's worth.

It took us a couple of days to get home. We stopped in Louisville on the way back so we could have dinner at The Bristol. Soooo good. The next day, we hopped in the car and started on our way. Nico had been complaining that his stomach hurt- I thought he was just hungry because its hard to get him to sit and eat sometimes (we were at Cracker Barrell). An hour outside of Nashville and he ralphed all over his seat. We stopped and unpacked the back of the car and stripped him down and cleaned him up. He then went to sleep in the car, which was weird. Later, we stopped at a Sweet Tomatoes outside of Atlanta for dinner and he ralphed there. We ended up grabbing a room for the night and driving back on NYE day. No more puking incidents, thankfully.

When we got back, we headed to the park to see Ovid and then went to Joe and Kari Follick's house for a NYE party, which was pretty fun. We took it pretty easy for the rest of the week... I had to start back to work before Nico went back to school, so it was kind of a nightmare, trying to balance getting work done, Nico being at home (and us not wanting to stick him in front of the TV) and soccer practice.
Sunday, I took Nico and met Ovid at the EMS station down in Woodville. Ovid's Dad is an EMT, so he showed us the ambulance and had a friend show us the fire trucks. He was definitely the high light of Winter Break.
Now we are back on the grind. The soccer season is almost over. Dave's parents are coming up next week. Nico is back in school (and not too pleased about it). Looking forward to Daylight Savings Time, so that we can start going to the park again after school.