Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Nico is saying some really funny things lately.  Like last week, he told me that he made up a new game called Tee-bitch.  No joke.  So afterward, Dave asked him, "What's it like playing your new game?"  to which Nico replied, "It's a bitch."  Hehehehehehehe.

He has also made up a new word called "Smitch"- its like a cross between a smooch and a kiss.  Sometimes I say to him (like after he wakes up from nap), "Can I give you a smooch?" Or "Let's have a smooch before we go outside".  He changed the word to smitch.  So awesome.  

He has also taken to calling Beckett (the baby that Nicole and Cody just adopted) Bucket.  It's so great. 

Even funnier was the other day when we were cleaning, I apparently put a pair of pants in the wash that had money in them.  Nico came running into the kitchen with the money asking, "Mama, why did you launder this money?" Dave put him up to that...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

St. Augustine and Jacksonville

Sooo, the jet-setting Bishop-Royse family has returned from another extraordinary adventure!  This weekend, we went to St. Augustine and Jacksonville because the US Men's National Team was to play Scotland in a friendly tune up for World Cup Qualifers.  We left late Friday (after work) and drove through to St. Augustine. Since I had never been to St. Augustine and because Jacksonville is kinda boring and generic, we decided to stay down in the oldest city in America (true story- it is the oldest).

Saturday morning, we woke up and went on the prowl for some national team jerseys.  A caveat:  I am not fully on the USA band wagon.  I know I am a huge disappointment to my father and likely my father in law, but seriously, I can't get on the USMNT band wagon.  I just can't.  There are players I like: Tim Howard (GK) is totally my boy.  I appreciate Clint Dempsey (has a cool story).  Josey Altidore (I like his style, and he played in England).  But for the most part, I am not a fan of much of the team.  Landon Donovan? Cry baby face who doesn't work hard, and how couldn't hack it at Leverkusen and decided to come back to the US and play for the Galaxy.  Michael Bradley?  Seriously?  Michael Bradley?  Of all the able-bodied soccer men in the US, it just so happens that the National Team Coach's kid is one of the best 20+ guys?  Really?  Really?  I have seen enough nepotism in soccer to last a life time.  I am not about to get whole-heartedly on board with the US Men  until I either understand why Michael Bradley is on the team or until they do something to deserve my appreciation.  If they win a World Cup, I will think about it (depends on who they beat to do it).  But until they start living up to the promise, no way Jose.

But then again, Scotland brought their second team.  Seriously.  11 guys couldnt make the trip.  And they are Scotland.  While they do claim to invent the pass (I have been to the museum in Glasgow where this claim exists), they are Scotland.  Liking Scotland is like liking the Cubs, without the occasional moments of brilliance.  I know... my husband will likely divorce me for such slander.  But it is what it is.  Who do I like, you ask?  England?  Why?  Because there is something entertaining about a country one-sixth the size of the US with the arrogance to think that they should win every world cup (seriously, they sack coaches for not winning in the world cup enough). Plus, its kinda like watching an EPL All-Star team.  But that is neither here no there.

So we ventured to the Nike outlet to look for a national team jersey for Nico (to no avail). And since the Adidas outlet store was having a sale (I got 4 new pair of soccer shorts), you know how that went.  For lunch we ate at "The Prince of Wales" an English pub place in the old section of St. Augustine (near the fort, the cathedral and the oldest wooden school house in America.  No joke, that is its claim to fame).

Then we went to the hotel, where in Nico proceeded NOT to take a nap.  We tried wrestling him to sleep for an hour or two before we finally gave up and headed to the game.  I guess I am always a little surprised by the size of stadiums.  I didnt grow up going to a lot of games in big stadiums, so I have difficulty gauging how big or small they are.  Turns out that when Dave is in charge of buying the tickets, he does a pretty good job of getting us close to the action.  We sat behind the goal, 13 rows back at EverBank Field, which is pretty close.

Nico was mostly good... like with most things, he was pretty much done after about an hour.  But I brought the i-Pad (aren't I terrible?) and we made it through.  The US ended up taking it to Scotland pretty good (5-1) and it was a late night for us.

Sunday we woke up late and ventured into the old part of the city for some brunch and some walking. We grabbed a delicious lunch at The Gourmet Food Hut and checked out the scene.  Tropical Storm Beryl was headed in, so we didnt stay too long.  We drove around for a bit and then headed back.  We have been pretty bad about cleaning during the last couple of weeks, so we  spent most of yesterday trying to get the house in order.  It still has a long way to go.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Where did that kid get a harmonica?

You know, its so weird, I know that for some people, time probably just creeps by... like if you are Nicole and Cody waiting for their new baby (they have been picked to be adopted parents!).  Or when we've already named teams and we are waiting for the soccer season to start.  But then there are other times where the time just flies.  I feel like we are in this time period.  Its already Thursday.  Isn't that crazy? The house is still a disaster from last weekend.  It really needs to be cleaned.  But I just don't want to.

Wednesday is Dave's judo night... so for some reason, I don't feel  bad about sewing when he isnt there.  Like if he isnt there, he wont notice I finished a quilt block, nor did I do any dishes.  So yesterday, I tried an experiment.  I wanted to see how long Nico could play by himself on the back porch with me while I sewed.  See, I got a new sewing machine... and I got three baby quilts to work on.  I have previously made two patchy quilts... that were just 4.5" squares.  Really kinda boring.  But now that I have a nice machine, I want to up my game a bit.

Since I have a bunch of pieces of fabric that are 0.5 or 0.25 yards, I thought I might do a charmy quilt... something where you sew a bunch of strips and then cut and piece in different directions.  I don't know, but I'll know it when I see it.   I am going for something similar to this:
published in "500 Art Quilts"
I know, pretty, right?  

In any case, Nico lasted long enough for me to piece that section, which was great for sewing.  Not so great for cleaning the house (I did manage to do a couple of loads of laundry, feed Nico, water the garden, bathe Nico, work on this stupid paper for 1.5 hours and knit- yest, I was up till 1230.)

Also, Nico has somehow acquired a harmonica.  Don't ask me where it came from.  But there is this:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

he said, she said.

So we have a bird living in our mailbox on the front of the house again.  I have been keeping an eye on the box, awaiting eggs.  They are here!!

Dave and I were talking about it when he said that he got a look of the bird living in there.  This started a search for the book that my mom gave him about birds of the eastern U.S.  I was looking around the living room when Nico handed me a dvd case and asked if it as the book.  But his face was hilarious!  He had a look on his face that was him trying not to smile.  He knew it was a joke, to hand me something that was clearly not a book and ask if it was the book.  So he knew what he was doing.  But he also knew that as it was a joke he was trying to pull, he couldn't smile about it... he needed to be serious.  That was REALLY funny.

Even funnier is that when we were at dinner last night, Nico wanted to pour some splenda on his little plate of antipasta salad and bread.  Of course, he doesn't "get it" that splenda would ruin it.  So I offer to let him have a packet of sugar to put on his bread (which already had butter on it).  Now, let me be clear:  I ate this as a child.  When we were little-little, sometimes my mom would make us white sandwich bread with butter on it with just a little sprinkling of sugar.  As I have grown older, I have made up the reasoning and rationale for this... The romantic story goes: that her parents (who lived through the great depression) prolly gave it to mom and her brothers thinking it was a treat, as sugar would likely have been rationed and the bread not the soft white "store" bread.  Even though my mom and her brothers grew up in the fifties, there are are some habits that just die hard for their parents- you can't survive the depression without any lasting effects on your eating preferences.

I bring this up because Dave thought it was the worst idea to let Nico have a packet of sugar sprinkled on some bread with butter.  He thought that if Nico had to have anything sprinkled on bread and butter that it should be splenda, not sugar.  Obviously, the preference would be to distract Nico and not even let him sprinkle anything on his food.  But that is not the point.  Which brings me to the question... if you are going to let your kid sprinkle sweetener on his food which is better: splenda (the yellow packet), Sweet n Low (the pink) or plain old sugar (the white packet)?

Here are my thoughts:  I would rather let Nico have a packet of sugar-sugar than splenda or sweet n low because it is more natural.  No chemicals, preservatives, etc.  Given that Nico is normal weight and gets enough exercise everyday, we dont let him have unlimited candy, chips, soda, etc.  I dont think we need to cut the 20 calories out of his diet.  Not if it means letting him have splenda (which is frankly, kinda scary, I think- at one time it was linked to bladder cancer in lab animals).  Now, if we were trying to regulate his weight or his diabetes or something, yeah, maybe go for the yellow packet and not the white. What do you all think?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Blueberry Springs!

We had a great weekend!  It started with me running a 5K at Wakulla Springs.  I have been actually doing a 5K training program, so it was somewhat better than it usually is... but I still wanted to die.  For most of it.  And it was mostly on a trail... I probably wouldn't have run it if I had known it was a trail race,  because I just dont do trail runs.  But it turned out to be okay.

We had practice on Saturday morning, which we topped off by swimming at the Y- which Nico really liked, as always.  I ran some errands on Saturday afternoon (including a trip to Joanns to get some supplies for all the new baby quilts I need to get working on... friends having babies, sister trying to adopt a baby, you know.  

Sunday morning, Nico and I went to Blueberry Springs to pick blueberries.  It's out in Monticello (about 25 min from Tallahassee).  He had a really great time.  We'll prolly go back in two weeks to pick blackberries.  because that is how we roll.  

After nap on Sunday, we headed to the soccer field for our last game of the Spring Coed season.  We played on the turf- which tends to get warm on hot days.  I think it just makes the field softer.  In all, our team played very well.  I had a shutout (which was awesome).  

All for now.  We are going to Jacksonville this weekend to see the US men play Scotland, which supposedly is going to be a good game for the US men... since Scotland is bringing their scrub team.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Working in the garden!

I'm a farmer!!

One of my favorite things that Nico does lately is the Caillou dance.  I dont know which episode of it is, but in one of them, Caillou dances and does something that looks like this.  It makes me so happy when does it.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Beach Wedding

So we had a great time in Siesta Key this weekend.  Our friends Dave and Jessie got married on the beach.  It was good times.  Dave's Mom and Dad came up and stayed with Nico so we were able to go an have a good time without Nico being like, "This is dumb, I wanna go home!"

Plus we got to hang out with some people that we don't see very often.  And did I mention it was at the beach?  It was definitely a nice weekend.  And while it was only a weekend, I feel like it was rejuvenating.  It reaffirms Bucket List #

The bad news is that FSU has figured out my game.  To recap, I had been registering for a class every semester in order to get the student rate for tuition.  The difference is $320 a month.  So, for us, it was a good calculation, since I at least got something out of the class.  Like last semester, weight lifting?  Twice a week I had to go (for a grade), which was good, because it got me out of the office, unlike today, where I have sat in my chair for the last three hours.  In any case, the jig is up, so we are starting to consider our childcare options.  Bummer.

Frankly, we can't do the $770 a month and still have to pay for a baby sitter anytime FSU is closed (3 weeks at christmas, spring break, three weeks in august, 2 weeks in may, etc).  So we are going to start exploring some other options.  Plus, Nico was going to age out of the infant and toddler center in January anyways, and they were likely going to kick him up to the big school at FSU... where in we were likely going to pull him anyways... because the reason I like the Infant and Toddler Center is because Jen, Sue and Dana.  So there is that.

Other than that, not much else is going on around here.  BBUSC starts this week.  We aren't really sure what kind of commitment there will be by the Wakulla girls.  We graduated 11 seniors this year, so there aren't that many left.  Unfortunately, I have questions about some of the girls who are left.  But there isn't much I can do about that.  I have some projects around the house I would like to get.  My dear friend John (from high school) and his wife are expecting their first child in August.  My plans are to break in the new sewing machine by sewing them a baby quilt.

Still have some interesting/fun travel later this summer.  We are going to see Scotland play the US men in Jacksonville at the end of the month.  I have to travel for work down to Orlando in June.  In July we are doing a big Bishop family vacation in Orange Beach, Alabama.  Then in August, I am going to ASAs in Denver and Dave is covering the RNC in Tampa.  In September, we are trying to go to Dallas to see The Nicodys for Labor Day.  Then I have an AHRQ Grantee meeting in DC in September.

The garden is growing.  The first of our grape tomatoes are starting to turn red.  I ate 5-6 leaves of spinach off the plant last week while sitting in the garden with Nico.  I am not convinced I will have enough to keep me in spinach salads this summer, but we can try, right?  Also, basil is coming in good.  I hope to be making lots of pesto throughout the summer.  Plus we have watermellons, yellow peppers, red peppers, mint, rosemary and cucumbers.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Easy Way or the Hard Way?

We're easing back into work and life this week.  Nico's school is closed this week, which while terribly inconvenient wasn't a big deal when I worked for the state.  I'd just say, "Yeah, I am taking family leave this week."  But now, its pretty much a shit show.  I wake up early to be in the office early so that I can leave and meet Dave back at the house so he can head into the office. Kind of annoying, actually.

I gathered up all the coins we had in the house yesterday to take to the bank and put in Nico's savings account.  Dave and I chanced guesses on how much we had (1.5 half quart mason jars).  Where in I proceeded to talk shit about how terrible Dave's guess was.  Nico bet 10.  I bet $18.56.  Dave guessed $56, $50 after the fees.  Turns out that Dave was right on the money... we walked with $56.  I guess that is what I get for opening my big mouth.

Here is a picture of Nico just after his first purchase with his own money: a snickers bar.  He said he'd rather have candy than a smoothie or frozen yogurt.  This is bad, right?

In other news, Nico is saying the funniest things lately.  Like this:
Nico: I love you so much!
Me: I love you too, Nico.  You're my favorite!
Nico: But not when I am being a beast, right?

(which is actually kind of sad, because he needs to know I always love him, even when he is being a beast.)

Another funny thing happened yesterday when I was getting some shoes on him so we could go to the gym.  He wasnt letting put his shoes on... he was flipping around  on the bed and I finally laid on him and forced the shoes on.  I think he thinks its a game.  This is my fault, because I treat it like it is a game... he tries to resist and I always get the clothes on him.  He thinks its funny.  But yesterday when I was laying on him and putting the shoes on, he said, "Don't put the muscle on me, Mom!"  Which is funny.

There are some things that have gotten to be battle royales in our house.  Like brushing teeth and washing one's face.  Seriously?  Where does that come from?  To be fair, I sort of get it.  Someone grabs you by the top of your head and rubs your face hard to get the dirt off.  Usually with a funky smelling washcloth.  And you can't breath.  So I have started doing, "The Easy Way or the Hard Way"?

The Easy Way is Nico sets nicely on my lap while I gently wash his face.  He holds still and doesn't fight me.  He offers his face nicely.  And I gently, with the corner of the wash cloth get the dirt off his face.  Being very gentle, rubbing just hard enough to get the dirt off his face.

The Hard Way is Nico doesnt sit nicely and I have to wrestle him into a good position to wash his face.  It usually involves me holding him down and rubbing his face hard.  And not carefully.  He fights me on it, doesn't like it (naturally) and tries to get away.  Since he is fighting me on it, it usually takes longer.

He is starting to "get it":  The Easy Way is much preferable to the Hard Way.  I just hope that he can remember that as a teenager.  The Easy Way: He comes home by curfew.  The Hard Way: I show up at his friend's house in pajamas and crazy hair yelling for him to get in the car.

You likes?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Derby Week

The trip to Louisville?  WOW!!??  We did so much!  You really wouldn't believe it.  Rather than describing everything that we did, I am just going to list every thing we did with some notes on the REALLY awesome stuff.  So here it goes:

Friday am: left Tallahassee, taking I-10 west to I-65, and heading north through Birmingham and Nashville.  We pushed through so that we could make the hot air balloon race on Saturday morning.  BTW- the hot air balloon race was pretty much the entire reason for going.  Cue ironic ending to this story.

Saturday morning: we woke up at 6am to make it to the start of the balloon race only to hear on the news that it was canceled due to inclement weather.  WHA-WHAT?  Head to executive airport instead because its close and they have plans and heliocopters taking off and landing on the regular.

Then we headed to an art fair in Cherokee Triangle to check out the scene and do some early Christmas shopping (sssshhhh!).  We also played some baseball at the park.

Saturday night: bouncy slides at the Chow Wagon (place with festival food and rides, etc.  like a chopped down county fair).

Sunday morning: I went for a run near the hotel (which was on the edge of the U of L campus).  Dave and Nico checked out some Lacross practice, field hockey practice and the EPIC playground near the track.

Sunday night: We headed out to stay with Tony and Cathy (Tony is one of Mike's really good friends from the Ville (from Judo and Police Force).  On the way, we swung by a yarn store.  Some yarn may have accidentally ended up in my possession.  Don't judge.  Later, Chow Wagon again.  This time to meet some of Dave's family.  Nico rode cars with his cousin Darby (who he adores).  Also, Nico rode the carousel with me.  Seriously, who can do more than one ride on that?  We had dinner at Impalizeri's for dinner.  Pizza=amazing.  Dodged a serious hail storm by ducking into Homemade Pie and Icecream place.

Monday morning: We went to the zoo.  The Louisville Zoo is one of the only zoos int he country that has polar bears.  There was also a petting zoo (sort of like the Whacky Barn in Miami, but less.)

 Monday night:  Dave, Nico and Tony did judo.

Tuesday morning: I went to eye doctor due to suspected ripping cornea loose from eye.  Turns out I was just being a big baby.  Cornea still intact.  In the afternoon, we went to the bat factory.  As suspected, Nico is a bit young for museums.  The museum did have a "small ball" area where little kids could hit a whiffle ball off a tee.  That was pretty fun- but we had a bit of a "melt down" when we asked him to share with other kids.

Tuesday night:  Dinner with Tony and Kathy and their daughter Jackie (and her husband and kid) and their BFF Larry and his wife (I forgot her name) at a really cool place called Aspen Creek.

Wednesday morning:  Dawn at the Downs.  Churchill opens up for breakfast buffet and you can watch the Derby and Oaks horses work out.  Really cool.

Wednesday night: The Great Steam Boat race on the Ohio River.  We watched it at Kingfish, where they had a playground a mini-put-put golf course.

Thursday morning:
We had a pretty fun morning, but ended up at the parade.  It was okay... it was decided that Dave and I both hate parades.  Seriously.

Thursday night:  But the day got a lot better when we got fried green chilli wontons at the Brisol.  Totally awesome.  As good as I remembered.

Friday morning: Headed to Senecca Park so that I could run (I am currently doing the Couch to 5K program... its nice because its easy and I don't feel like a fail for walking).  Nico and Dave played baseball and soccer.  They found some kids to play baseball with- so it was like a real game.

Friday night:  Get together with some of Dave's old high school friends.  There were a bunch of kids including Colleen (who is 3).  She and Nico are BFF.  She had a bunch of little play-house stuff, and we had a good time ironing and doing dishes.

They also had a trampoline, where I was a big hit with songs like, "Colleen, colleen, colleen, colleen, colleen!"  and "Nico, nico, nico, nico, nico, nico!" and "Gavin, gavin, gavin, gavin, gavin, gavin, gavin."

Saturday morning: headed back to Tallahassee.  We took back roads through horse country.  Definitely a nice ride.  Stopped in Atlanta for the night.  I downloaded an app for booking hotels and got a super sweet deal on $200.00 a night Fairview Inn.  It had a hot tub.  And a pool.  Dave got a soak and Nico got to swim.  AWESOME!