Friday, July 30, 2010

No more monkeys jumpin' on the bed!!

So, Nico was home sick yesterday (was running a fever at the end of school on Wednesday).  We kept him home yesterday (which included burning up the sick day I was planning to take the Friday before Nico's brithday which was to be the time for pulling things together for his party).  This is actually better because now I will stay up late all next week and be a MEGA BEAST by Friday morning, which Dave loves :)

Seriously: how cute are juicy little baby legs jumping on the bed? Can't you just eat those legs up?  I tell you what- put a little BBQ sauce on them...

I tried doing the "Monkey's Jumping on the Bed" song with Nico, complete with the gestures.  He looked uncconvinced at my singing abilities.  He will learn!!

Speaking of learning:  he is conquering signs... he seems to know the sign for MORE (put your finger and thumb together on each hand, now point the hands towards each other and make the fingers touch.  I think its pretty awesome. He may know the sign for MILK but we're not quite sure, because it've very similar to how he waves goodbye.  So either he is saying that he would like some milk or he is saying good bye... so who knows?

The THE ALL-TIME FUNNIEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TOME AS A PARENT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT.  So we get home from soccer and Dave takes care of the shower situation with Nico and gets in the shower himself.  I take Nico and dry him off and kind of let him hangout in the bathoom with us, while I am talking to Dave about soccer.  Nico is pretty content trying to get in the cabinent and jumping on the scale (he isn't wearing a diaper at this point- because I figured he would like to be naked for a while, and not have a diaper on... because, well diapers can get OLD I imagine).  When Dave gets out of the shower, I go to pick up Nico and see that he has, indeed peed on the scale.  Which I think is funny.  What I didn't notice was that he also went #2 on the scale... I thought it was a piece of electical tape or sock or something.  Dave actually noticed it first...Our kid basically said, "This scale is good.... FOR ME TO POOP ON!!"  Yeah, that is special!! I have to admit- I laughed about that for a good 10 minutes, even as I was cleaning POOP OFF OF A SCALE.  Seriously, who does that?  And in case you were wondering, Yes, I did learn my lesson: which is to make sure the business ends of babies are covered up...ALWAYS.

Not much new to report- I lost my damn mind a little bit last week.  I ended up on when they were having a huge sale on some high end quilting fabrics.  Seriously, they were practically giving the fabric away.  What was I going to do?  And it was free shipping on orders over 35.00?  I could have ordered only 5 dollars worth of fabric, but it would have seemed like I was throwing money away.   Oh well, what are you going to do? 

Have a new iphone app that I am currently in love with...called "tap, tap, tap".  It is a camera app that lets you edit photos.  A sample: 
The dissertation is going... I am hoping to get some QT with it tonight, tomorrow afternoon and Sunday, basically finishing off chapter 5... then its just writing what I think is the hardest part (the conclusion).  I have set for myself the deadline of getting it to Ike by next Friday.  You would think I would be a little more concerned with the fact that it's a week away and I am still a good 20 pages from the finish.  Yay for realistic goal setting!!

All for now- hope you have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Talky McTalk...

Sorry I have been so MIA lately.  I was lamenting to Dave how I just feel like I dont have time for anything these days (being a good TA, finishing Dissertation, being a good Mom, coaching stuff, trying to keep the house from looking like homeless gypsies live here) when it occurred to me that maybe my priorities are a little out of whack.  So rather than complaining about not having enough time in the day, I have decided I need to scale back blogging for a while.  Because even the quick posts take 15-30 minutes out of my day, that  I could be mopping the kitchen floor with.  Also, our life isn't terribly exciting right now... not having exciting news to report+daily commitment to blog= inner monologue becoming outer monologue (and lets be real, its never good when that happens). 

In any case, we had a pretty fun weekend. 

The girls scrimmaged on Saturday against the U14 boys Wakulla TOF team.  Technically it is a coed team that several of our girls play on.  We had Froddo in goal (who wasnt there the last time, when we lost 5-1).  We also had Dave's coworker's sons Sam and Kai.  Sam has been playing with us on Thursday nights (during our fitness/pickup nights).  With his help we tied 2-2 (he had an assist and a goal).  I am glad that we started letting him play with us- he's a good kid, and I think he gets a lot out of it. 

We also went to a wedding this weekend.  One of our former players (class of 2008) got married to her high school sweetheart.  So we went down to Woodville for the wedding.  Nico decided that he was going to be a Talky McTalk during the wedding ceremony, so I ended up watching most of it from the nursery at the church.  I went to Old Navy on Saturday looking for something to wear to the wedding and lost my damn mind.  I normally dont lose my mind clothes shopping because I hate it so much.  But there was a plethora of cute clothes for Nico. 

Seriously, I had been lamenting the fact that Nico is so big now- there are no cute boy clothes in the 12-18 month range at my go-to store (Target).  But now that I have seen what Old Navy has to offer, I might be a convert.  Will try to get some pics up of Nico in some of his new clothes soon. 

He is off the chain!!  Walks really well if you hold one of his hands.  Still likes tearing the kitchen up.  Still likes doors.  Right now he is fascinated with the green bottle of garnier mouse that is under my bathroom sink.  Can't believe that he will be one in two weeks.

We went over to UKK's house on Sunday and played with her daughter Savi. Nico played well with her... which I guess isn't that big of a surprise- given that he goes to daycare and socializes all day with other kids (speaking of which, his little school girl friend is coming to his birthday party).  I think with Savi in the mix now, it's a little bit like this:

Got some good dissertation work in this weekend.  I am getting close to the end.  It feels so weird... I wonder if I will have seperation anxiety when I finally defend it.  I wonder if when Nico and Dave go off to have awesome Dad and Boy time (like when they go have delicious breakfasts at Jim and Milt's or IHOP without me), if I will just sit in my chair and stare blankly at he computer.  Lost.  Wondering what it is that I should be doing...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tie baby...

So the director of Nico's childcare place took this picture of him yesterday.  Seriously, how cute can he be.  I thought this caption would be appropriate: 

"Mommies, look at your baby, now look at me, look at your baby, now back to me. Sadly, he is not me. But he could be cute like me, if he had a tie onesie and not some silly onesie with a truck on it. Mommies, look at your baby, now look at me, now back to your baby, now back to me. What is ...this? It is a bottle with formula. Now look again, its a bottle with champaigne..."

See, it's like this commercial:

Ha!!  Sorry copied content (I put this up on facebook last night).  But some people I know refuse to get a facebook page... yes, LH, that is the sound of you being thrown under the bus :) 

Let's talk about the fact that Nico can hold his own bottle.  When did that start?  Milka-what?  I could have set him down on the floor with a boppy and he could feed himself?  Wha-WHAT?  I have been duped!!  Unless he never showed me he could hold his own bottle because he wanted to have Mama-Nico time?  In which case, how adorable is that?

Other than that- that is all we have around here.  I know, these posts are boring... we're not doing much.  Just trying to get through the week.  Maybe there will be something more exciting to report tomorrow?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Walky McWalkerson


We were at soccer practice on Saturday finishing up.  The girls were kind of sitting around taking off their gear, we were gathering up equipment... etc.  I was talking to Joe or someone and looked down to see Nico standing unassisted, with a bunch of the soccer girls calling him and trying to get him to walk towards him... he took a couple of steps and stopped and I yelled for Dave to throw me my phone, so I could record it.  I was nervous that he would fall down or be done with the walking before I could record it... but luckily I got it!!  I am so stoked.  So while these are actually like his 4,5 and 6th steps, they might as well be his first ones!! 

Here is a video of how it went down:

Throughout the rest of the weekend, he snuck in a couple of unasssted steps here and there.  I think it won't be long at all before he is running.  Whoot!!!

What is not awesome is the fact that the NicoBeast who had been pretty much sleeping through the night has been replaced by this guy who is up all night.  But, this is what I have come to figure out with babies- that you take two steps forward and one step back.  Meh. 

So, I started on Nico's curtains this weekend.  Wait, let me back up... remember how I had a sad because I went to buy the fabric for his curtains and it was all gone... (that really cool blue and green and white swirly paisley fabric?) and how I bought blue, green and brown stripes?  Well, I went into Joanns for some supplies to finish off his quilt when Lo and Behold, I found two practically new bolts of the fabric!!  ZOMG!!11!  I couldnt believe it.  You better believe that I bought 6 yards on the spot.  So... the good news is, that I am going to have the curtains I wanted for Nico's room.  The bad news is... I have several yards of brown,blue and green striped fabric... I guess I can always buy more and make it into curtains for another room.  Who knows? 

I had to postpone completion though, because I need to get a new cord for the sewing machine- it had been patched with some electrical tape. And Nico tore it up...

So we moved onto painting one of the shelves for his room.  I am pretty stoked about them.  I picked up a can of mismixed light blue paint to paint the dresser and the shelves in his room.  Turns out its pretty much perfect.

That is all.  Guess I need to get to it.

Friday, July 16, 2010

ZOMG!! Nicole's gonna be jealous!!

OMG!!  Nicole is going to be soooooooooooooooo jealous.  So jealous!! 

So our Assistant Coach (Joe) is a teacher at the high school.  He was the original bringer of the intensity (long before JJ was ever on the scene.)  I think this is partially because he has a competitive spirit, but also because he is old school, and also because he is a country boy.  He values hard work, dedication and commitment.  Early on in coaching, when we were convinced that the best pregame and half time talks chilled the girls out, we often found ourselves trying to lighten the situation after Joe would get done talking to them... he is REALLY intense.  His oldest daughter graduated our second year of coaching and his youngest is just getting to high school this year (and will likely be a baller). 

In any case, he is extremely handy.  I once lamented that we didnt have any benches to do tricept dips on at practice and the next week, we had one.  The year after we lost our second player in the first game of the season to an ACL, I mentioned that I wanted balance boards like THESE to work with during the off season.  When we started preseason I had 5.  A couple of months ago, he was telling me about a projec that he was working on for his daughter's wedding present- which was a tall chest of drawers made from cherry.  That he cut down himself.  And had milled.  So... he is handy.  So  I mentioned that I wanted some bookshelves for Nico's room.  The library style shelves, that stand on the floor with their backs to a wall.  Sort of like what Emme has here: 
(only, I wanted ours to sit on the floor.) 

So guess what Joe brought to practice last night?  TWO SHELVES!! ZOMG!!  Nicole is going to be soooo jealous.  Seriously, I think I will be accompanying NiCody to the airport when they fly out after Nico's birthday because she is probably going to try to take them. 

Yeah... I am pretty stoked.  I am hoping that I can get some time to paint them this weekend- because they are awesome. 

Which brings me to my delimma:  I really want to get Joe something- but I dont know what.  There is no way that I could get him a gift that would be equal to getting two handmade custom book shelves.  But I want to get him an appropriate Thank You gift.  Any ideas?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Here is a picture of Nico helping go through some of my crafting stuff.  He is saying, "Trash, trash, trash.... throw this away, throw this away, trash, trash, trash." 

Not much going on around here.  I wish I had something exciting to report.  Oh, someone who saw my abstract in the PAA program from this year is editing a book on Demography, Public Health and Nursing.  This person contacted me yesterday to see if I would be interested in making that paper I presented a chapter in the book.  I am not sure how legitimate the offer/request was- so I sent it on to IE to see what he thought.  I had sent the paper off to a journal and got back a revise and resubmit... and before I sent the paper to the book people, I would obviously redo the analyses and the write up, incorporating the comments I got back during the review... which I need to do anyway for the R and R.  To me, I see no reason to NOT do it, except for the fact that it might just be accepted in this book, which would preclude it from being published as the article.  So we will see. 

I also got an offer from the Department to TA again in the fall.  This is tricky for me, because Dave and I were just talking about how awesome it will be when I am done TAing this semester (because I have had to pull several all-nighters to grade).  But you dangle some moneh's in front of my face, and I am forced to reconsider.  On one hand, 3 grand buys an awful lot of toys for Nico... but on the other hand, I am quite the Beast when I have only gotten 6 hours of sleep in 2 days.  I just don't know.   

Other than that, not much new to report.  Dave and I are trying to keep the house in it's current state of cleanliness.  I am trying to put 15-20 minutes a day into picking up things, putting away, folding laundry, etc.  everyday.  Which doesn't sound like much time now, but when it is 1130 and you're falling asleep at your computer while grading undergraduate papers, it is a lot. 

I have decided that I need  a piece of furniture that I am not even sure exists.  Basically, it is a huge armoire with lots of storage- but, and here is the kicker.... it has a slide out or pull out table top thing, that stands at about waist-height, so that one could fold laundry on it.  Any of my Dallas or Orlando peeps ever see something like this in Ikea? I want one!!

In an unrelated matter- I have finaly gotten off my ass and done it... long before Nico came a year ago, I was in a constant serach for the Perfect Bag.  Really... it has been a life-long quest.  In this quest, I have surmounted quite the collection of bags... from the fantastically wonderful knock off Dolce and Gabana to the sling Adidas Bag, to the Adidas Sling backback, to the grey blue bowling ball bag that I am currently carrying.  Each of these bags has an element that I consider integral to the Perfect Bag.  The Dolce bag is stylish and has a couple of great, useful pockets.  The adidas sling has several key pocket placements, including a cell phone pocket on the chest strap, but is not big enough for a laptop. The adidas backback has plenty of room, but not a lot of shape, so it sometimes gets real bulky... etc.  Clearly these problems would be expounded by the diaper bag process-given the exponential amount of stuff that I carry around.  

So, I got fed up with it... and went on Etsy to put in an alchemy request.  I am currently working with four different sellers who are each bidding to do a bag.  I will eventually probably narrow it down to 2, and have two made, with the PLAN to keep one and give one away (I happen to know several moms).  That is the PLAN, but more likely, Mama is going to end up with two new diaper bags!!  Be jealous!!

So that is it.  That is the most exciting news I have to report.  Arent you glad you tuned in today?   

Monday, July 12, 2010


So we had an okay weekend around here.  Our team lost in the World Cup Final last night :(  We're not terribly tore up about it, because we felt like Spain really was the better team.  Yesterday was pretty fun because we had some of Dave's coworker friends over to watch the game... which gave us the final push we needed to get the house unpacked.  It's pretty much all unpacked now- so that is good.  We still have a bunch of things we still need to get, but its nice not having boxes laying around.

We had a scrimmage on Saturday against a U14 boys team.  The team is coached by one of the our Dads (his daughter plays for him in the Spring and us in the Summer).  Overall, we did okay.  We did some things well, other things not so much.  It was probably too hot to play- but we had several subs.  So my coaching MO was to just make sure that no one dropped dead of a heart attack on the field.  Which meant that some players got a lot more playing time than they would normally.

Didnt get the kind of sleep I would normally hope for over the weekend.  In addition to working at DOH, I am also TA-ing an online class... so I had to grade a bunch of their assignments over the weekend.  Since it is tricky to do it with Nico at the house, I mostly tried to do it at night, which included staying up all night on Saturday night.  So you know  was a cranky beast on Sunday.  Dave tried to let me get some sleeps on Sunday morning, but he had a little bit of a crisis.  I woke up to Dave admonishing Drake for unauthorized turtles in the house and Nico screaming because he was sitting in a dirty diaper with strawberries and blueberries in his hair.  Dave had been making some breakfast when Gordon decided to start throwing up... so needless to say, he was a little frazzled. 

That is about it for our weekend.  I went for a walk last night with Nico and we found a play kitchen that someone had left out by the curb.  Much to Dave's chagrin, I brought it home and put it in the shed.  I think all it needs is a good cleaning and a little TLC... and all the stuff you need for a play kitchen (play utensils, foods, dishes, etc).   But it has a ton of doors... and a bbq grill... so that is pretty sweet, you might say.  And well, you know how Nico feels about doors.... exactly.  So it will be a little experiment, to see if I can rehab it to the point of it being a good toy for Nico.  If not, I just have to take it back out to the curb.  I will post pictures of it soon, so you can offer suggestions. 

All for now.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


So, I never really appreciated how awesome it was to take pictures of my kids to give their parents while I was a preschool teacher. It wasn't until one of Nico's teachers gave me a cd that she burned of pictures that I realized how amazing it is... its so hard to get good pictures of kids/babies as it is.  Indoor pictures are the hardest because of the flash/whiteout/blurry etc.  But while they are being cute?  Forgetaboutit!!  

Here Nico is doing one of his favorite things; playing with the door.  Let me tell you... I think we might have an engineer on our hands... he seems to be really interested in how things work.  

Here is, "crackin his own self up" as my mom would say.  He clearly has Dave Royse's sense of humor.

Speaking of Dave Royse, Nico looks just like him here... He's got Dave's expression here, where he's half smiling and tucking his chin down.

But this one takes the cake- the color picture of this one is probably better (his eyes look SOOOOO blue).  But I like the black and white.  Even with his weird Mom haircut.  Seriously- he is quite precious.  Can I be egotistical about it?  Just a little?  When I tell my coworkers about Nico, I state very matter of factly that he is cute- in such a way as to inform my audience that there is no discussion about it.  Nico is cute.  FACT.

Can't believe that he is going to be 11 months old tomorrow.  That is just crazy talk.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Shrieky McShriekerson!

Quick post today.  Today is the first day with the new sitter... I am currently at Starbucks getting ready to squeeze in a couple of hours of dissertation before I go home.  Today was a good day... felt like I did some good work.  They are starting to put me on some Data Entry...WHOOOO HOOOOO!!  You have no idea... some people (especially those that analyze data) scoff at DE... I dont mind it, because it is kind of mindless in the sense that I can think about other things... but its also great, because it is a perfectable universe.  I have total control over the data... love it.

Discovered Grooveshark today. AMAZING!!  It is an online radio site that lets you set up a play list.  I am trying on some hyped up tunes before settling in for some writing- revisions and table working... Whoot!!

Nico has a new thing that he is doing, which is soooo adorable.  He is starting to share.  Last night at the soccer field, he offered his sippy cup to Dad during water breaks (Dave was reffing our scrimmage against the Tally Women).  Last night, he would eat a blue berry, then offer me one, then he ate one, then he would offer me one. He thinks its funny when I dont pick it up with my fingers, but try to bite the blueberry out of his hand.  It is pretty much hilarious!!

He also hates being confined.  Hates going into the high chair, car seat, etc.  I hope it means that he would rather just be running around on the floor... and is only a phase.  Hopefully, he will figure out soon that the less he fights it and lets us get on with it, the quicker we can do what we are doing and the faster that he can get back to whatever it is that he wants to do.

Something really scary and weird happened last night- we got him to sleep and put him in his crib.  And maybe 45 minutes later, he wakes up crying.  Then he starts shrieking... sounds like he is in horrible pain.  It was crazy.  We never did figure out what was going on.

All for now.  Hope you're well!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Nico < 3 Icecream

We had a pretty good weekend with the Beast. 

Saturday morning, I got Nico out of the house to let Dave sleep in (although he didnt sleep in, he woke up and did some stuff around the house).  We ended up heading up to Cracker Barrel for breakfast.  Nico loves hashbrown casserole and pancakes (with syrup) not to mention biscuits and gravy (turns out more than just a little Bishop runs through this kid).  We ran by Joanns to get some fabric for curtains for his room.  It is ridiculously light in his room during nap times.  I can't help but think that it would be hard to stay asleep if I had to sleep in a room that was as bright as the shining day.  I  was a little disappointed on the curtains, because I really really really wanted to make them out of this fabric: 

I love this fabric.  In fact, I would probably marry this fabric, if given half the chance.  Isn't it cool?  In any case, I have been planning on making the curtains out of this fabric since we moved into the new house.  So imagine my dismay when I went to get it on Saturday and the store didnt have any?  Highly annoyed.  So because I am impulsive like that, I ended up buying some striped fabric instead (greens and browns and blues).  I think that this striped fabric will probably end up working better- because it is darker.  But I am pretty annoyed about it. 

Dave had a Man: Win this weekend.  Our kitchen sink drain was really slow, despite the bottle of draino that Dave had poured down it.  So he gets under the sink on Saturday and starts tinkering about.  I tell him that he probably needs to call the landlord and have them fix it, because it was likely beyond his level of skill.  Well, he ended up offering me a slice of crow pie later because he fixed it- despite the fact that I was naysaying 

We went to a fourth of July party on Saturday night up on the north side of town (might as well have been in Georgia).  We had a really nice drive home out in the country (even if we did almost hit a deer). 

Sunday was pretty low key- we just hung out and did stuff around the house.  We ended up going to a Nene neighbor's house for a 4th of July party- which was pretty fun.  Nico was a peach and ate half a mixing bowl of blueberries.  Speaking of Nico noms- home boy also loves ice cream- just like his Dad.  At the party, we played a game called Taboo (where you try to get your team to say a word on the card but you cant use a set of other words).  I was on the girls team and we lost... despite the fact that I am a ringer. 

Monday we didnt do much except get some groceries and go to the book store (to get a birthday gift for Maddox).  Nico has officially past the hip baby stage.  I set him down on the floor near the books and he was tearing everything up.  Seriously, he can tear books down off the shelf faster than I can put them up.  Out of control!!

Last night, Dave made Beef Vindaloo (which real indians would never make because they wouldnt use beef) which was delicious.  Guess what I am having for lunch today?  Leftovers: WIN!!

So that was our weekend!!  Hope yours was fabulous! 

The BBUSC girls have a scrimmage tonight against the grown women.  Hopefully the weather holds.  :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Lost my damn mind...


Sometimes you get on a bad run.  You blog hop from one to the next to the next to the next... and sometimes you're just looking for anything... anything to be inspired.  Anything to make think, "ooooooooh, and ahhhhhhhhhh."  And sometimes its reallly unfulfilling. 

Then there are other times where you blog hop and just become so overwhelmed with all of the awesome.  The best way I can use to describe it is how my nephew Maddox was when I went out to Dallas in April for PAA.  Where he would start a sentence then, start another one and start another one.  That just happened to me.  I was like, OMG- I can't believe how amazing this is... then I thought, this is amazing too... it's crazy.  I want to do this.  Seriously, I feel like a kid in a candy store- over stimulated, distracted and out of control. 

This is how bad it is... I saw this and fell in love.  I really want to make it. Not for me, because I dont do ruffles.  But for someone little:   

I clearly, have lost my damn mind.  In any case, I can't wait till Emme is older, because I think she needs a skirt like this. 

In any case- I am glad it is Friday.  Not because I do hard work like my Dad and brother.  But because I am looking forward to hanging out with the boys.  The last two mornings I have left for work before Nico has woken up.  Do you have any idea how much that sucks?  And last night one of Dave's coworker's wives wanted to keep Nico while we were at practice... so when we got home, Nico was asleep.  He woke up for a little to make it known that he was annoyed to be wearing a wet diaper... but then went back to sleep.  I am seriously needing some Nico cuddlez!!

On the upside- at practice last night, both Dave and I got to play at the same time.  Of course, lets be honest- I probably shouldnt be playing.  Ever.  Especially yesterday... where on my run at lunch time, I ate it face first... seriously.  I ran down Esplanade to Blairstone and was coming back, determined to attack that beast of a hill with gusto.  And promptly caught my foot and fell down, banging both knees and scraping my elbow and hand.  The thing is, when I fall, I really just want to lay on the ground and gather my wits about me.  But so often, I am afraid that someone is watching and they will be forced to come ask if I am okay... then I have to laugh it off sheepishly, like!!  Ha!! That big kid just fell down!  So I got up and walked it off.  But since we didnt have Nico at practice, I felt like I should play. 

Which, lets be honest here- I probably shouldnt do. I was completely out of control.  Because you know what happens when you're slow under the best of conditions (and out of shape)?  The professional foul!!  For real... last night DH ran by me and I grabbed his shirt and basically just stopped running, which wouldnt have been too bad, except that he kept the ball and managed to get off a good pass.  FAIL (for me). 

Oh, and that is not even talking about the attempted bike I had.  Milka-what?  You say?  Yeah... it was ugly.  This is what Dave Royse had to say about the attemped bike: "Bishop- you couldn't do a bike 10 years ago."  Yeah... the man does have a point.  But I got points for trying.  Apparentally. 

Well, that is about all I have to say about that.  I am off... Yesterday, I learned about National Incident Managment.  Today I am learning about Ethics. Try not to be jealous. 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oh no he didn't!!

So I was granted my flex time- which means, that typically my work hours will be 7-4.  Conseqently, I left the house today at 635 and Nico wasn't awake yet.  I think this might be the first morning that I have left for work and haven't said good morning to him :(  I hope he isn't too pissed off about it.  I wanted to wake him up and get some cuddles before I went off to work- but frankly, it is easier for Dave to work and get stuff done in the morning the longer Nico stays asleep. 

He has been really cranky for the last week.  His sleeping has been kind of weird- from one night of waking up every 45 minutes to scenarios like last night were he woke for a while around 300am but slept pretty soundly before and after.  We have transitioned to a little bit later bedtime, to accomdate soccer nights.  Typically he hasn't been getting into bed until 830 or so... but the last couple of nights the wheels have come off at dinner.  So I go to give him a bottle and he falls asleep during the bottle- which usually doesn't happen.  So who knows?  I have heard that sometimes babies get all crazy like this right before they are about to achieve a huge milestone.  In Nico's case, it is probably walking.  Seriously- he is so close right now. 

Yesterday we met our soon to be baby sittter.  Her name is Jessica and she is a sophomore at FSU.  Her major is English Lit.  I asked if she was planning on getting a job when she graduates!  HA!!  I was joking, there are plenty of jobs for English majors.  My first thought- she is pretty.  Pretty-pretty.  Yeah.  And Nico was all smiley. 

I was like, what?  Let me make sure I have this correct.  You dont like being held by the soccer girls, many of whom knew you back when you were a splotchy, ruddy little beast.  And now you're going to be all smiley and cute with her?  Oh no you didn't!!!

So that was pretty funny.  I think she might work out for us- she seems like a good kid.